


1. Mao B ,  Huang Z ,  Zeng F , et al. Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Water, Sediment and Fish during a Complete Breeding Cycle in the Pond of the Pearl River Delta, China[J]. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2020, 11(6):509-530.

2. Wang Jing-XinBao Lian-JunShi LeiLiu Liang-YingZeng, Eddy Y. Characterizing PBDEs in fish, poultry, and pig feeds manufactured in China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(6).

3. Huang C , Wu L H , Liu G Q , et al. Occurrence and Ecological Risk Assessment of Eight Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Urban River Water and Sediments of South China[J]. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2018.

4. Li, Ting-Yu, Zhou, et al. Characteristics of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Released from Thermal Treatment and Open Burning of E-Waste[J]. Environmental Science & Technology: ES&T, 2018.

5. Wang J X ,  Bao L J ,  Luo P , et al. Intake, distribution, and metabolism of decabromodiphenyl ether and its main metabolites in chickens and implications for human dietary exposure[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 231:795.

6. Li, Q. S., Chen, X. J., Xuan, L., Cui, Z. H., Lei, S., & Wang, L. L., et al. Phytoavailability of heavy metals in tidal flat soils after fresh water leaching. Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety, 2012, 79(4), 22-27.

7. Li, Q. S., Yan, C., Fu, H. B., Cui, Z. H., Lei, S., & Wang, L. L., et al. Health risk of heavy metals in food crops grown on reclaimed tidal flat soil in the pearl river estuary, china. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 227-228(16), 148-54.

8. Li, Q. S., Liu, Y. N., Du, Y. F., Cui, Z. H., Shi, L., & Wang, L. L., et al. The behavior of heavy metals in tidal flat sediments during fresh water leaching. Chemosphere, 2011, 82(6), 834838.


1. 石雷(副主编)、《环境影响评价》、化学工业出版社、201510月第一版;

2. 石雷(参编)、《水污染治理新技术—新工艺、新概念、新理论》科学出版社20041月第一版


1. 黄志伟王洁石雷,李伟杰,毛宇鹏,杜宏伟,房怀阳,曾凡棠. 一种河流沉积物再悬浮捕获及水体自净能力原位测定装置,2023CN115979712A

2. 杜宏伟刘小尘黄志伟石雷一种排水管道流量计固定装置, 2022, CN202210784173.1.


1. 污水生态处理与资源化技术

2. 雨水污染控制与海面城市建设

3. 厨余垃圾资源化技术


1. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,2011ZX07302-001子课题:昆明主城区雨污调蓄设施与径流污染控制技术应用与示范研究,2011-12015-1220万元,主持结题

2. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项,2012ZX07302002,专题任务:昆明第四污水厂节能降耗及深度脱氮技术研究,2012-12015-1215万元,主要完成人结题 

3. 国家重点研发计划项目课题,2016YFC1402202“海洋微塑料的源解析、输运和归趋机制”,2016-92020-1263万元主持结题;

4. 广东省应用型科技研发重大专项2015B020237006厨余垃圾生产高品质鱼饲料及安全养殖应用研究,2015-102018-09800万元,主要完成人结题;

5. 广东省自然科学基金D7300080华南地区人工湿地污水处理系统对霾雾的响应机制研究2007-102009-125万元,主持结题。



1. Mao B ,  Huang Z ,  Zeng F , et al. Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Water, Sediment and Fish during a Complete Breeding Cycle in the Pond of the Pearl River Delta, China[J]. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2020, 11(6):509-530.

2. Wang Jing-XinBao Lian-JunShi LeiLiu Liang-YingZeng, Eddy Y. Characterizing PBDEs in fish, poultry, and pig feeds manufactured in China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(6).

3. Huang C , Wu L H , Liu G Q , et al. Occurrence and Ecological Risk Assessment of Eight Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals in Urban River Water and Sediments of South China[J]. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2018.

4. Li, Ting-Yu, Zhou, et al. Characteristics of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers Released from Thermal Treatment and Open Burning of E-Waste[J]. Environmental Science & Technology: ES&T, 2018.

5. Wang J X ,  Bao L J ,  Luo P , et al. Intake, distribution, and metabolism of decabromodiphenyl ether and its main metabolites in chickens and implications for human dietary exposure[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 231:795.

6. Li, Q. S., Chen, X. J., Xuan, L., Cui, Z. H., Lei, S., & Wang, L. L., et al. Phytoavailability of heavy metals in tidal flat soils after fresh water leaching. Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety, 2012, 79(4), 22-27.

7. Li, Q. S., Yan, C., Fu, H. B., Cui, Z. H., Lei, S., & Wang, L. L., et al. Health risk of heavy metals in food crops grown on reclaimed tidal flat soil in the pearl river estuary, china. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 227-228(16), 148-54.

8. Li, Q. S., Liu, Y. N., Du, Y. F., Cui, Z. H., Shi, L., & Wang, L. L., et al. The behavior of heavy metals in tidal flat sediments during fresh water leaching. Chemosphere, 2011, 82(6), 834838.


1. 石雷(副主编)、《环境影响评价》、化学工业出版社、201510月第一版;

2. 石雷(参编)、《水污染治理新技术—新工艺、新概念、新理论》科学出版社20041月第一版


1. 黄志伟王洁石雷,李伟杰,毛宇鹏,杜宏伟,房怀阳,曾凡棠. 一种河流沉积物再悬浮捕获及水体自净能力原位测定装置,2023CN115979712A

2. 杜宏伟刘小尘黄志伟石雷一种排水管道流量计固定装置, 2022, CN202210784173.1.



