



1. 环境光学测量技术研制及其应用,如臭氧光化学生成速率大气颗粒物对过氧自由基摄取系数自由基总反应活性、颗粒态活性氧等的测量方法及其应用;

2. 臭氧污染形成机制及其环境影响效应研究;

3. 大气颗粒物中活性氧的含量、来源、转化机制及其健康影响效应研究。


1. 国家自然科学基金委会,青年科学基金项目大气臭氧光化学生成速率与生成敏感性的直接测量及其应用2023-082026-1230万元,项目编号42305096,主持;

2. 广东省科学技术厅,广东省重点领域研发计划项目,臭氧污染快速预警及精准应对关键技术研发及应用示范2021-012024-01150万元,项目编号:2020B1111360003广东省科学技术厅,课题负责人;

3. 广东省基础与应用基础基金委员会,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,大气颗粒物对过氧自由基摄取系数的直接测量及其应用,2024-012026-1215万元,项目编号:2414050001067,主持;

4. 广东省基础与应用基础基金委员会,广东省自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,新型臭氧生成速率检测仪的搭建,表征与应用,2020-102024-0910万元,项目编号:2020A1515110526,广东省基础与应用基础基金委员会,主持;

5. 中国21世纪议程管理中心,国家重点研发计划项目,大气活性含碳成分的闭合外场观测,2023-12至 2027-1136万元,项目编号:2023YFC3706204,项目骨干,参与。




[1] J. Zhou*, K. Sato, Y. Bai, Y. Fukusaki,Y. Kousa , S. Ramasamy, A. Takami, A. Yoshino,  T. Nakayama, Y. Sadanaga, Y. Nakashima, J. Li, K. Murano, N. Kohno, Y. Sakamoto &Y. Kajii*: Kinetics and impacting factors of HO2 uptake onto submicron atmospheric aerosols during the 2019 Air QUAlity Study (AQUAS) in Yokohama, Japan. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2021, 21(16): 12243-12260.

[2] Y. Hao#J. Zhou*#, P. Wang, Y. Yang, S. Huangfu, Y. Li, X. B., C. Zhang, A. Liu,Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, S. Yang, Y. Peng, J. Qi, X. He, X. Song, Y. Chen, B. Yuan* & M. Shao: Measuring and modeling investigation of the net photochemical ozone production rate via an improved dual-channel reaction chamber technique. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2023, 23(17): 9891-9910.

[3] J. Zhou*, Y. Fukusaki, K. Murano, T. Gautam, Y. Bai, Y. Inomata, H. Komatsu, M. Takeda, B. Yuan, M. Shao, Y. Sakamoto & Y. Kajii*: Investigation of HO2 uptake mechanisms onto multiple-component ambient aerosols collected in summer and winter time in Yokohama, Japan. J. Environ. Sci., 2024, 137: 18-29.

[4] J. Zhou*, W. Wang, Y. Wu, C. Zhang, A. Liu, Y. Hao, X.-B. Li & M. Shao: Development and application of a nitrogen oxides analyzer based on the Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift (CAPS) technique, J. Environ. Sci.2025, 150:692-703.

[5] J. ZhouE. A. Bruns, P. Zotter, G. Stefenelli, A. Prévôt, U. Baltensperger, I. EI-Haddad, J. Dommen*: Development, characterization and first deployment of an improved online reactive oxygen species analyzer. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 2018,11, 65-80.

[6] J. Zhou, P. Zotter, E. A. Bruns, D. Bhattu, G. Stefenelli, D. Bhattu, S. Brown, N. Marchand, A. Bertrand, H. Lamkaddam, J. G. Slowik, A.S.H Prévôt, U. Baltensperger, T. Nussbaumer, I. El-Haddad & J. Dommen*: Particle-bound reactive oxygen species (PB-ROS) emissions and formation pathways in wood smoke under different burning and aging conditions. Atmos. Chem. Phys.2018, 18, 6985-7000.

[7] J. Zhou, M. Elser, M. Krapf, R. Fröhlich, D. Bhattu, G. Stefenelli, P. Zotter, E. A. Bruns, S. M. Pieber, H. Ni, Q. Y. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Zhou, J.-J. Cao, M. Xiao, J. G. Slowik, S. Brown, L. E. Cassagnes, K. R. Daellenbach, T. Nussbaumer, M. Geiser, A.S.H. Prévôt, I. El-Haddad, R.-J. Huang*, U. Baltensperger & J. Dommen*: Predominance of secondary Organic aerosol to particle-bound reactive oxygen species activity in fine ambient aerosol. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2019, 19, 14703–14720. 

[8] J. Zhou*, M. Kentaro, N. Kohno, Y. Sakamoto, Y. Kajii*: Real-time quantification of the total HO2 reactivity of ambient air and HO2uptake kinetics onto ambient aerosols in Kyoto (Japan), Atmos. Environ., 2020, 223,117189.

[9] J. Zhou, J. Gao*, Y. Liu, K. Ba, R. Zhang: Removal of fluoride from water by five Submerged plants. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 2012, 89, 395–399.

[10] J. Zhou, Y. Liu, J. Gao*, R. Zhang, Z. Zhang, N. Sugiura: Contaminant removal performances on domestic sewage using modified anoxic/anaerobic/oxic process and micro-electrolysis, Environ. Technol., 2013, 34, 2773-2779.

[11] J. Zhou, G. Liu, W. Huang, J. Gao*, Z. Wang, R. Zhang: Contaminant removal performances on domestic sewage using modified Merger Johkaso, Technol. Water Treat., 2012, 38, 103-107. 

[12] X. Guan#J. Zhou#, N. Ma, X. Chen, J. Gao, R. Zhang: Studies on modified conditions of bio-char and the mechanism for fluoride removal, Desalin. Water Treat., 2015, 55: 440-447. 

[13] D. Bhattu, P. Zotter, J. Zhou, G. Stefenelli, F. Klein, A. Bertrand, B. Temime-Roussel, N. Marchand, J.G. Slowik, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt, T. Nussbaumer, I. El Haddad, J. Dommen*: Effect of stove technology and combustion conditions on gas and particulate emissions from residential biomass combustion. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2019, 53, 2209-2219.

[14] M. G. Perrone*, J. Zhou, M. Malandrino, G. Sangiorgi, C. Rizzi, L. Ferrero, J. Dommen, E. Bolzacchini: PM chemical composition and oxidative potential of the soluble fraction of particles at two sites in the urban area of Milan, Northern Italy. Atmos. Environ., 2016, 128, 104-113.

[15] Y. Sakamoto, J. Zhou, N. Kohno, M. Nakagawa, J. Hirokawa & Y. Kajii: Kinetics study of OH uptake onto deliquesced NaCl particles by combining laser photolysis and laser-induced fluorescence. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2018, 9, 4115-4119.

[16] W. Wang #, J. Qi #J. ZhouB. Yuan*, Y. Peng, S. Wang, S. Yang, J. Williams, V. Sinha, and M. Shao: The improved comparative reactivity method (ICRM): measurements of OH reactivity under high-NOx conditions in ambient air, Atmos. Meas. Tech.,2021, 14, 2285-2298.

[17] S. Yang, B. Yuan*, Y. Peng, S. Huang, W. Chen, W. Hu , C. Pei , J. Zhou , D. Parrish,   W. Wang, X. He, C. Cheng, X. B.Li, X. Yang, Y. Song, H. Wang, J. Qi, B. Wang, C. Wang, C. Wang, Z. Wang, T. Li, E. Zheng, S. Wang, C. Wu, M. Cai, C. Ye, W. Song, P. Cheng, D. Chen, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Zheng, and M. Shao*: The formation and mitigation of nitrate pollution: comparison between urban and suburban environments, Atmos. Chem. Phys.,2022, 22, 4539-4556.

[18] N. Kohno, J. Zhou, J. Li, M. Takemura, N. Ono, Y. Sadanaga, Y. Nakashima, K. Sato, S. Kato, Y. Sakamoto, & Y. Kajii: Impacts of missing OH reactivity and aerosol uptake of HO2 radicals on tropospheric O3 production during the AQUAS-Kyoto summer campaign in 2018. Atmos. Environ., 2022, 281: 119130.



[1] 国家发明专利:周俊郝怡忻袁斌邵敏覃广志一种基于CAPS测氮氧化物的分析仪2021-8-3中国ZL 202110526043.3 已公开。

[2] 国家发明专利:周俊吴艳峰袁斌邵敏覃广志郝怡忻在线测量臭氧生成速率和臭氧生成敏感性的系统 2021-9-10中国ZL 202110671996.9已公开

[3] 实用新型专利周俊郝怡忻袁斌邵敏覃广志一种基于CAPS测氮氧化物的分析仪2021-12-7中国ZL202121029716.6, 已授权

[4] 实用新型专利:周俊吴艳峰袁斌邵敏覃广志郝怡忻在线测量臭氧生成速率和臭氧生成敏感性的系统2021-12-31中国ZL202121347216.7已授权



