


1. Li, X.-B.# (共同第一作者), Zhang, C.#, Liu, A., Yuan, B., Yang, H., Liu, C., Wang, S., Huangfu, Y., Qi, J., Liu, Z., He, X., Song, X., Chen, Y., Peng, Y., Zhang, X., Zheng, E., Yang, L., Yang, Q., Qin, G., Zhou, J., and Shao, M.: Assessment of long tubing in measuring atmospheric trace gases: applications on tall towers, Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 3, 2023.

2. Li, X.-B., Yuan, B., Wang, S., Wang, C., Lan, J., Liu, Z., Song, Y., He, X., Huangfu, Y., Pei, C., Cheng, P., Yang, S., Qi, J., Wu, C., Huang, S., You, Y., Chang, M., Zheng, H., Yang, W., Wang, X., and Shao, M.: Variations and sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban region: insights from measurements on a tall tower, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 10567-10587, 2022.

3. Li, X.-B., and Fan, G.: Interannual variations, sources, and health impacts of the springtime ozone in Shanghai, Environ Pollut, 306, 119458, 2022.

4. Li, X.-B., Yuan, B., Parrish, D. D., Chen, D., Song, Y., Yang, S., Liu, Z., and Shao, M.: Long-term trend of ozone in southern China reveals future mitigation strategy for air pollution, Atmos Environ, 269, 118869, 2022.

5. Li, X.-B., Fan, G., Lou, S., Yuan, B., Wang, X., and Shao, M.: Transport and boundary layer interaction contribution to extremely high surface ozone levels in eastern China, Environ Pollut, 268, 115804, 2021.

6. Li, X.-B., Peng, Z.-R., Wang, D., Li, B., Huangfu, Y., Fan, G., Wang, H., and Lou, S.: Vertical distributions of boundary-layer ozone and fine aerosol particles during the emission control period of the G20 summit in Shanghai, China, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12, 352-364, 2021.

7. Li, X.-B., Peng, Z.-R., Lu, Q.-C., Wang, D., Hu, X.-M., Wang, D., Li, B., Fu, Q., Xiu, G., and He, H.: Evaluation of unmanned aerial system in measuring lower tropospheric ozone and fine aerosol particles using portable monitors, Atmos Environ, 222, 117134, 2020.

8. Li, X.-B., Wang, D., Lu, Q.-C., Peng, Z.-R., Fu, Q., Hu, X.-M., Huo, J., Xiu, G., Li, B., Li, C., Wang, D.-S., and Wang, H.: Three-dimensional analysis of ozone and PM2.5 distributions obtained by observations of tethered balloon and unmanned aerial vehicle in Shanghai, China, Stoch Env Res Risk A, 32, 1189-1203, 2018.

9. Li, X.-B., Wang, D.-S., Lu, Q.-C., Peng, Z.-R., and Wang, Z.-Y.: Investigating vertical distribution patterns of lower tropospheric PM2.5 using unmanned aerial vehicle measurements, Atmos Environ, 173, 62-71, 2018.

10. Li, X.-B., Wang, D.-S., Lu, Q.-C., Peng, Z.-R., Lu, S.-J., Li, B., and Li, C.: Three-dimensional investigation of ozone pollution in the lower troposphere using an unmanned aerial vehicle platform, Environ Pollut, 224, 107-116, 2017.

11. Li, X.-B., Lu, Q.-C., Lu, S.-J., He, H.-D., Peng, Z.-R., Gao, Y., and Wang, Z.-Y.: The impacts of roadside vegetation barriers on the dispersion of gaseous traffic pollution in urban street canyons, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 17, 80-91, 2016.

12. 刘智杰李小兵* (共同通讯作者), 袁斌*, 莫梓伟谭鑫周俊王思行何贤俊邵敏大气边界层内挥发性有机物的垂直观测方法及应用进展科学通报, 66, 4098-4111, 2021.



1. 李小兵,袁斌,邵敏,杨红龙,刘智杰,一种基于高塔的挥发性有机物在线垂直观测系统,ZL202021026533.4202125日,实用新型专利;






1. 生态环境部城市大气复合污染成因与防治重点实验室,开放基金课题,基于NH4+试剂离子的化学电离质谱技术研发与应用,2024-012025-125万元,主持;



4.国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,基于中间态产物约束的异戊二烯氧化过程垂直分布研究, 2024-012026-1230万元,主持;

5.国家科技部,国家重点研发计划项目(课题),2023YFC3706200,反应性和挥发性约束的大气含碳成分近全组分测量新方法,2023-12 2027-1181/1799万元,参加(子课题负责人);




1. Li, X.-B.# (共同第一作者), Zhang, C.#, Liu, A., Yuan, B., Yang, H., Liu, C., Wang, S., Huangfu, Y., Qi, J., Liu, Z., He, X., Song, X., Chen, Y., Peng, Y., Zhang, X., Zheng, E., Yang, L., Yang, Q., Qin, G., Zhou, J., and Shao, M.: Assessment of long tubing in measuring atmospheric trace gases: applications on tall towers, Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 3, 2023.

2. Li, X.-B., Yuan, B., Wang, S., Wang, C., Lan, J., Liu, Z., Song, Y., He, X., Huangfu, Y., Pei, C., Cheng, P., Yang, S., Qi, J., Wu, C., Huang, S., You, Y., Chang, M., Zheng, H., Yang, W., Wang, X., and Shao, M.: Variations and sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban region: insights from measurements on a tall tower, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 10567-10587, 2022.

3. Li, X.-B., and Fan, G.: Interannual variations, sources, and health impacts of the springtime ozone in Shanghai, Environ Pollut, 306, 119458, 2022.

4. Li, X.-B., Yuan, B., Parrish, D. D., Chen, D., Song, Y., Yang, S., Liu, Z., and Shao, M.: Long-term trend of ozone in southern China reveals future mitigation strategy for air pollution, Atmos Environ, 269, 118869, 2022.

5. Li, X.-B., Fan, G., Lou, S., Yuan, B., Wang, X., and Shao, M.: Transport and boundary layer interaction contribution to extremely high surface ozone levels in eastern China, Environ Pollut, 268, 115804, 2021.

6. Li, X.-B., Peng, Z.-R., Wang, D., Li, B., Huangfu, Y., Fan, G., Wang, H., and Lou, S.: Vertical distributions of boundary-layer ozone and fine aerosol particles during the emission control period of the G20 summit in Shanghai, China, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 12, 352-364, 2021.

7. Li, X.-B., Peng, Z.-R., Lu, Q.-C., Wang, D., Hu, X.-M., Wang, D., Li, B., Fu, Q., Xiu, G., and He, H.: Evaluation of unmanned aerial system in measuring lower tropospheric ozone and fine aerosol particles using portable monitors, Atmos Environ, 222, 117134, 2020.

8. Li, X.-B., Wang, D., Lu, Q.-C., Peng, Z.-R., Fu, Q., Hu, X.-M., Huo, J., Xiu, G., Li, B., Li, C., Wang, D.-S., and Wang, H.: Three-dimensional analysis of ozone and PM2.5 distributions obtained by observations of tethered balloon and unmanned aerial vehicle in Shanghai, China, Stoch Env Res Risk A, 32, 1189-1203, 2018.

9. Li, X.-B., Wang, D.-S., Lu, Q.-C., Peng, Z.-R., and Wang, Z.-Y.: Investigating vertical distribution patterns of lower tropospheric PM2.5 using unmanned aerial vehicle measurements, Atmos Environ, 173, 62-71, 2018.

10. Li, X.-B., Wang, D.-S., Lu, Q.-C., Peng, Z.-R., Lu, S.-J., Li, B., and Li, C.: Three-dimensional investigation of ozone pollution in the lower troposphere using an unmanned aerial vehicle platform, Environ Pollut, 224, 107-116, 2017.

11. Li, X.-B., Lu, Q.-C., Lu, S.-J., He, H.-D., Peng, Z.-R., Gao, Y., and Wang, Z.-Y.: The impacts of roadside vegetation barriers on the dispersion of gaseous traffic pollution in urban street canyons, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 17, 80-91, 2016.

12. 刘智杰李小兵* (共同通讯作者), 袁斌*, 莫梓伟谭鑫周俊王思行何贤俊邵敏大气边界层内挥发性有机物的垂直观测方法及应用进展科学通报, 66, 4098-4111, 2021.



1. 李小兵,袁斌,邵敏,杨红龙,刘智杰,一种基于高塔的挥发性有机物在线垂直观测系统,ZL202021026533.4202125日,实用新型专利;


