


1. Huangfu, Yibo; Yuan, Bin; Wang, Sihang; Wu, Caihong; He, Xianjun; Qi, Jipeng; de Gouw, Joost; Warneke, Carsten; Gilman, Jessica B.; Wisthaler, Armin; Karl, Thomas; Graus, Martin; Jobson, Bertram T.; Shao, Min; Revisiting Acetonitrile as Tracer of Biomass Burning in Anthropogenic-Influenced Environments, Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48(11): e2020GL092322

2. Huangfu Yibo; Lima Nathan M.; OKeeffe Patrick T.; Kirk William M.; Lamb Brian K.; Walden Von P.; Jobson Bertram T.; Whole-House Emission Rates and Loss Coefficients of Formaldehyde and Other Volatile Organic Compounds as a Function of the Air Change Rate, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(4): 2143-2151

3. Huangfu Yibo; Lima Nathan M.; O'Keeffe Patrick T.; Kirk William M.; Lamb Brian K.; Pressley Shelley N.; Lin Beiyu; Cook Diane J.; Walden Von P.; Jobson Bertram T.; Diel variation of formaldehyde levels and other VOCs in homes driven by temperature dependent infiltration and emission rates, Building and Environment, 2019, 159: 106153


1. 皇甫宜博袁斌邵敏张潇潇,一种可控的低压气态成分标定系统,2023-12-06CN202311656800.4

2. 皇甫宜博袁斌王思行;杨洋;邵敏,一种箱式的逸散源挥发性成分可控高精度表征系统,2024-04-03CN202410194733.7


1. 大气成分通量观测技术与应用

2. 挥发性化学品成分及其环境效应


1.  国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目,基于通量观测的城市含氧挥发性有机物排放源解析与清单验证研究,2023-01-012024-12-3120万元,在研,主持。

2.  广东省基础与应用基础研究基金委员会区域联合基金-青年基金项目城市地区芳香烃类挥发性有机物的排放通量量化与清单验证,2020-10  2023-0910万元,结题,主持。

3.  中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划,大气污染源全组分谱库建立及排放清单编制,2022-10  2026-031919万元,在研,参与。

4.  国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,家用挥发性化学品(VCP)源对二次污染物生成贡献的量化与预测,2023-01-01  2027-12-31271万元,在研,参与。

5.  中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发项目,大气活性含碳成分来源、转化及环境效应,2023-12  2027-111799万元,在研,参与。



1. Huangfu, Yibo; Yuan, Bin; Wang, Sihang; Wu, Caihong; He, Xianjun; Qi, Jipeng; de Gouw, Joost; Warneke, Carsten; Gilman, Jessica B.; Wisthaler, Armin; Karl, Thomas; Graus, Martin; Jobson, Bertram T.; Shao, Min; Revisiting Acetonitrile as Tracer of Biomass Burning in Anthropogenic-Influenced Environments, Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48(11): e2020GL092322

2. Huangfu Yibo; Lima Nathan M.; OKeeffe Patrick T.; Kirk William M.; Lamb Brian K.; Walden Von P.; Jobson Bertram T.; Whole-House Emission Rates and Loss Coefficients of Formaldehyde and Other Volatile Organic Compounds as a Function of the Air Change Rate, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54(4): 2143-2151

3. Huangfu Yibo; Lima Nathan M.; O'Keeffe Patrick T.; Kirk William M.; Lamb Brian K.; Pressley Shelley N.; Lin Beiyu; Cook Diane J.; Walden Von P.; Jobson Bertram T.; Diel variation of formaldehyde levels and other VOCs in homes driven by temperature dependent infiltration and emission rates, Building and Environment, 2019, 159: 106153


1. 皇甫宜博袁斌邵敏张潇潇,一种可控的低压气态成分标定系统,2023-12-06CN202311656800.4

2. 皇甫宜博袁斌王思行;杨洋;邵敏,一种箱式的逸散源挥发性成分可控高精度表征系统,2024-04-03CN202410194733.7


