

彭勃正高级工程师暨南大学博士后从事海洋资源高效利用和低碳可持续发展研究曾获金粤自然资源科学技术二等奖(4/10),2023 年中国产学研合作创新与促进产学研合作创新成果奖一等奖(7/10)。主持国家省部级各类课题10项,参编行业技术标准 3 部,获国家发明及实用新型专利授权 10 余项,软件著作权5 项,发表高水平论文20余篇。兼任广东海洋协会副秘书长,负责海洋科技成果转化相关工作。


1. 2017-092022-11,中国科学院大学,环境科学专业博士

2. 2008-092011-07,中国科学院南海海洋研究所,环境科学专业硕士

3. 2003-092007-07,湖南农业大学,环境工程专业,学士


1. 2023-02至今暨南大学 环境与气候学院博士后

2. 2019-06今,广东海洋协会,副秘书长

3. 2018-102019-06, 广东省海洋工程职业技术学校,教师

4. 2011-072018-10 ,广东省海洋与渔业厅


1. 海洋资源高效开发与利用

2. 海洋低碳可持续发展研究

3. 海洋科技成果转化


1. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划,专项项目,2024-012026-121100万元,在研,子课题负责人;

2. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划,大气活性含碳成分来源、转化及环境效应,2024-012027-121799万元,在研,子课题负责人;

3. 广东省科学技术厅, 广东省自然科学基金面上项目, 面向创口抗菌与监测的智能可穿戴传感器研究,2024-012026-12,15万元,在研,项目负责人;

4. 广东省科学技术厅, 广东省重点研发计划,海洋藻毒素的快速鉴定、活性物质筛选及神经退行性疾病的新型药物研发,2023-10至2025-08,500万元,在研,主要参与;

5. 广东省自然资源厅,广东省级促进经济高质量发展(海洋经济发展)海洋六大产业专项,海洋碳元素原位探测集成光子器件,2023-02至2025-012100万元,在研,课题负责人;

6. 广东省自然资源厅,广东省级促进经济高质量发展(海洋经济发展)海洋六大产业专项,北斗三号海洋高精度导航系统及终端的研制与应用,2023-02至2024-012000万元,在研,课题负责人。



1. Peng, B., Li, Y., Yin, J., Ding, W., Fazuo, W., Xiao, Z., & Yin, H. (2023). A bibliometric analysis on discovering anti-quorum sensing agents against clinically relevant pathogens: current status, development, and future directions. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14, 1297843;

2. Peng, B., Liu, Y., Lin, Y., Kraithong, S., Mo, L., Gao, Z., ... & Zhang, X. (2023). A New Exopolysaccharide of Marine Coral-Associated Aspergillus pseudoglaucus SCAU265: Structural Characterization and Immunomodulatory Activity. Journal of Fungi, 9(11), 1057;

3. Bo Peng, Cai, B., & Pan, J. (2022). Octopus‐derived antioxidant peptide protects against hydrogen peroxide‐induced oxidative stress in IEC‐6 cells. Food Science & Nutrition, 10(11), 4049-4058;

4. Bo Peng., Peng, Q., She, J., Yang, B., & Zhou, X. (2022). Secondary metabolites from the coral-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus SCSIO41404 with pancreatic lipase inhibitory activities. Rec. Nat. Prod, 16, 639-644;

5. Peng, B., Chen, Z., & Wang, Y. (2023). Preparation and Characterization of an Oyster Peptide–Zinc Complex and Its Antiproliferative Activity on HepG2 Cells. Marine Drugs, 21(10), 542;

6. Peng B, Cai J, Xiao Z, Liu M, Li X, Yang B, Fang W, Huang Y-Y, Chen C, Zhou X, Tao H. Bioactive Polyketides and Benzene Derivatives from Two Mangrove Sediment-Derived Fungi in the Beibu Gulf. Marine Drugs. 2023; 21(6):327;

7. Fan, D., Peng, B. (共同第一), Wu, J., & Zhang, Z. (2024). The convergence of total-factor energy efficiency across Chinese cities: A distribution dynamics approach. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics;

8. Peng, X., Peng, B. (共同第一), Wang, X., Ren, Z., Yang, Z., Liu, L., ... & Guo, T. (2023). Optical & electrochemical fiber-optic sensor: in situ detection of antibiotics with fM detection limit. Sensors & Diagnostics, 2(6), 1531-1540;

9. Peng, X., Peng, B. (共同第一), Li, Z., Ren, Z., Wang, X., ... & Guo, T. (2024). In situ plasmonic & electrochemical fiber-optic sensor for multi-metal-ions detection. Science China Information Sciences, 67(1), 1-11;

10. Li, X., Peng, B. (共同第一), Cheung, P. C. K., Wang, J., Zheng, X., & You, L. (2022). Depolymerized non-digestible sulfated algal polysaccharides produced by hydrothermal treatment with enhanced bacterial fermentation characteristics. Food Hydrocolloids, 130, 107687;

11. Fan Yang, Bo Peng* (通讯作者),Mingming Liu,Xin Jin. 2022. Large eddy simulation on a square cylinder near a plane boundary. Oecan Engineeing 245;

12. Minghua Jiang, Lan Liu , Bo Peng * (通讯作者), Senhua Che. “ Anti-inflammatory acetylenic meroterpenoids from the ascidian-derived fungus Amphichorda felina SYSU-MS7908.” Bioorganic Chemistry (2023). DOI: 10.1016/ j.bioorg. 2023.106715;

13. Lu, R., Yue, X., Yang, Q., Song, E., Peng, B (通讯作者), & Ran, Y. (2024). Multi-node wearable optical sensor based on microfiber Bragg gratings. Optics Express, 32(6), 8496-8505;

14.Li, P., Liu, D., Liu, C., Li, X., Liu, Z., Zhu, Y., & Peng, B (通讯作者). (2024). Blue carbon development in China: realistic foundation, internal demands, and the construction of blue carbon market trading mode. Frontiers in Marine Science;

15. Jian Cai, Xueni Wang, Zaizhun Yang, Yanhui Tan*, Bo Peng* (通讯作者), Yonghong Liu, Xuefeng Zhou*. Thiodiketopiperazines and Alkane Derivatives Produced by the Mangrove Sediment-Derived Fungus Penicillium ludwigii SCSIO 41408. Frontiers in Microbiology (2022) Published Online;

16.Yang, B., Li, C., Chen, Y., He,  Zhou, X. & Peng, B. (通讯作者). (2023). Arthproliferins A–D, Four New Sesterterpenes from the Mangrove-Sediment-Derived Fungus Arthrinium sp. SCSIO41221. Molecules, 28(21), 7246;


1. 主编:陈竹,副主编:彭勃、胡月桂、邱玲,《广东省海洋六大产业发展蓝皮书2022》海洋出版社出版2022

2. 作者:黄小平、江志坚、刘松林、于硕、吴云超、张景平、李磊、樊敏玲、冯韶辉、彭勃 、周沉冤,《中国热带海草生态学研究》科学出版社出版2019

3. 作者:沙青娥、翁淑娟、彭勃、陈竹、肖斯锐、张学玲、孟萌、黎晓、赵嘉怡、刘裕,《海上交通运输企业碳排放核算与报告指南》2023

4. 作者:董雅红、沈洪涛、杨宇峰、王庆、王徐、颜庆云、陈竹、彭勃、肖斯锐、陈浩、张怡、麦克,《栽培大型海藻碳足迹核算与评价标准》2023

5. 作者:沈洪涛、杨宇峰、王庆、张睿敏、董雅红、颜庆云、陈竹、彭勃、肖斯锐、陈浩、张怡、麦克,《栽培大型海藻碳汇监测技术规范》2023


1. 彭勃,陈琛,陈竹,一种漂浮式海洋油田污水综合治理装置及方法.发明专利2019201911268700.8

2. 彭勃,陈琛,陈竹,一种海洋水体污染治理的装置及修复方法发明专利2019201911391773.6

3. 彭勃周良明一种绿色波浪能发电系统.发明专利2023202310553645.7

4. 彭勃,杨志勇,谢丰懋,王伟文一种海岛礁环境多参量监测方法及系统.发明专利2024202410147279.X

5. 陈琛,彭勃,王敏,海草藻场生态系统中浮游生物的智能监视及取样装置及取样方法,日本专利,20237377400

6. 王伟文,彭勃胡蒙蒙王雪梅基于后向轨迹模型的海上风电尾流干扰的数据处理方法发明专利2024202410107231.6


1. 金粤自然资源科学技术奖二等奖,2022排名:4/9

2. 2023年产学研合作创新成果奖,一等奖,2023排名:7/10


