


1. Liu, S. C*., M. Trainer, F. C. Fehsenfeld, D.D. Parrish, E.J. Williams, D.W. Fahey, G. Hubler, and P.C. Murphy. Ozone Production in the rural troposphere and the implications for regional and global ozone distributions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 1987,92, 4194-4207.

2. Mao L., Liu R., Liao W. H., Wang X. M., Shao M., Liu,S. C*., and Zhang Y. H. An observation-based perspective of winter haze days in four major polluted regions of China. National Science Review, 2019, 6(3)515-523.

3. Zhong, X., Liu, S. C*., Liu, R., Wang, X., Mo, J., & Li, Y. Observed trends in clouds and precipitation (1983–2009): Implications for theirs cause(s). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics2021, 21(6)4899-4913.

4. Ouyang, S., Deng, T*., Liu, R., Chen, J., He, G., Leung, J. C. H., Wang, N., & Liu, S. C*. Impact of a subtropical high and a typhoon on a severe ozone pollution episode in the Pearl River Delta, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 22(16), 10751-10767.

5. Song, K., Liu, R*., Wang, Y., Liu, T., Wei, L., Wu, Y., Zheng, J. Y., Wang, B.G., & Liu, S. C*. Observation-based analysis of ozone production sensitivity for two persistent ozone episodes in Guangdong, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 202222(12), 8403-8416.

6. Wu, Y., Liu, R., Li, Y., Dong, J., Huang, Z., Zheng, J., & Liu, S. C*. Contributions of meteorology and anthropogenic emissions to the trends in winter PM 2.5 in eastern China 2013–2018. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 202222(18), 11945-11955.




        1. 大气化学与气候变化





1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大研究计划项目,气候变化对大气复合污染的影响过程与机制,2017-01-01至2020-12-31,263万元,结题,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大研究计划项目,大气复合污染模拟和预报预测集成研究,2021-01-01至2023-12-31, 150万元,结题,参与。



1. Liu, S. C*., M. Trainer, F. C. Fehsenfeld, D.D. Parrish, E.J. Williams, D.W. Fahey, G. Hubler, and P.C. Murphy. Ozone Production in the rural troposphere and the implications for regional and global ozone distributions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 1987,92, 4194-4207.

2. Mao L., Liu R., Liao W. H., Wang X. M., Shao M., Liu,S. C*., and Zhang Y. H. An observation-based perspective of winter haze days in four major polluted regions of China. National Science Review, 2019, 6(3)515-523.

3. Zhong, X., Liu, S. C*., Liu, R., Wang, X., Mo, J., & Li, Y. Observed trends in clouds and precipitation (1983–2009): Implications for theirs cause(s). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics2021, 21(6)4899-4913.

4. Ouyang, S., Deng, T*., Liu, R., Chen, J., He, G., Leung, J. C. H., Wang, N., & Liu, S. C*. Impact of a subtropical high and a typhoon on a severe ozone pollution episode in the Pearl River Delta, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 22(16), 10751-10767.

5. Song, K., Liu, R*., Wang, Y., Liu, T., Wei, L., Wu, Y., Zheng, J. Y., Wang, B.G., & Liu, S. C*. Observation-based analysis of ozone production sensitivity for two persistent ozone episodes in Guangdong, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 202222(12), 8403-8416.

6. Wu, Y., Liu, R., Li, Y., Dong, J., Huang, Z., Zheng, J., & Liu, S. C*. Contributions of meteorology and anthropogenic emissions to the trends in winter PM 2.5 in eastern China 2013–2018. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 202222(18), 11945-11955.







