


[1]    T. Liu., Y. Wang*, H. Cai, H. Wang, C.L. Zhang, J. Chen, Y. Dai, W.L. Zhao, J.Y. Li, D.C. Gong, D.H. Chen, Y.H Zhai, Y. Zhou,T. Liao, B.G. Wang*. Complexities of peroxyacetyl nitrate photochemistry and its control strategies in contrasting environments in the Pearl River Delta region. npj CAS, 7:116,, 2024.

[2]    Wang, Y., Liu, T., Gong, D., Wang, H. *, Guo, H., Liao, M., Deng, S., Cai, H., and Boguang Wang*: Anthropogenic Pollutants Induce Changes in Peroxyacetyl Nitrate Formation Intensity and Pathways in a Mountainous Background Atmosphere in Southern China, Environ Sci Technol, 57, 6253-6262, 10.1021/acs.est.2c02845, 2023.

[3]    Li, J., Zhang, C., Zhao, W., Han, S., Wang, Y., Wang, H.*, and Boguang Wang*: Rapid Adaptive Optimization Model for Atmospheric Chemistry (ROMAC) v1.0, Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 6049-6066, 10.5194/gmd-16-6049-2023, 2023.

[4]    Li, Q., Gong, D., Wang, H.*, Wang, Y., Han, S., Wu, G., Deng, S., Yu, P., Wang, W., and Boguang Wang*: Rapid increase in atmospheric glyoxal and methylglyoxal concentrations in Lhasa, Tibetan Plateau: Potential sources and implications, The Science of the total environment, 153782, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153782, 2022.

[5]    Zhang, C., Xu, T., Wu, G., Gao, F., Liu, Y., Gong, D., Wang, H., Zhang, C., and Boguang Wang*: Reduction of fugitive VOC emissions using leak detection and repair (LDAR) in a petroleum refinery of Pearl River Delta, China, Appl Energ, 324, 119701,, 2022.

[6]    Jun Yang#*, Maigeng Zhou#, Zhoupeng Ren#, Mengmeng Li, Boguang Wang, De Li Liu, Chun-Quan Ou, Peng Yin, Jimin Sun, Shilu Tong, Hao Wang, Chunlin Zhang, Jinfeng Wang, Yuming Guo, Qiyong Liu*. Projecting heat-related excess mortality under climate change scenarios in China. Nature Communications, 2021,12:1039,

[7]    Jun Yang#*, Maigeng Zhou, Mengmeng Li, Peng Yin, Jianlin Hu, Chunlin Zhang, Hao Wang, Qiyong Liu*, Boguang Wang*. (2020) Fine particulate matter constituents and cause-specific mortality in China: A nationwide modelling study. Environment International, 143:105927.

[8]    Youjing Lin#, Daocheng Gong#, Shaojun Lv, Yaozhou Ding, Gengchen Wu, Hao Wang, Yanlei Li, Yujin Wang, Lei Zhou, and Boguang Wang*.: Observations of High Levels of Ozone-Depleting CFC-11 at a Remote Mountain-Top Site in Southern China. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 2019, 6 (3), pp 114–118.

[9]    Gong, D., Wang, H*., Zhang, S., Wang, Y., Liu, S., Guo, H., Shao, M., He, C., Chen, D., He, L., Zhou, L., Morawska, L., Zhang, Y., and Wang, B*.: Low-level isoprene observed during summertime at a forested mountaintop site in southern China: implications for strong regional atmospheric oxidative capacity, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2018,18,14417-14432.

[10]  Y. Zou, X. J. Deng, D. Zhu, D. C. Gong, H. Wang, F. Li, H. B. Tan, T. Deng, B. R. Mai, X. T. Liu, and B. G. Wang*. Characteristics of 1 year of observational data of VOCs, NOx and O3 at a suburban site in Guangzhou, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2015, 15, 6625-6636.

[11]  Wang Boguang*, Xia Ling, Zhou Lei, Wang Hao and Zhang Chunlin. Health Risk Assessment of Volatile Carbonyl Compounds in the Atmosphere of Chinese Megacities.Social Sciences in China, 2014, 35(3):140-157.



[1]    双菊荣; 王伯光 (共同主编). 机动车排气检验——标准解析、设备原理、技术方法与应用(第一版), 科学出版社, 2017, 6: 22-50.

[2]    张春粦; 郑维先; 陈志东; 沈沙亭; 王伯光* (共同副主编). 垃圾焚烧发电应用技术及其安全分析, 暨南大学出版社, 2019, 12: 228-272.
















[1]    T. Liu., Y. Wang*, H. Cai, H. Wang, C.L. Zhang, J. Chen, Y. Dai, W.L. Zhao, J.Y. Li, D.C. Gong, D.H. Chen, Y.H Zhai, Y. Zhou,T. Liao, B.G. Wang*. Complexities of peroxyacetyl nitrate photochemistry and its control strategies in contrasting environments in the Pearl River Delta region. npj CAS, 7:116,, 2024.

[2]    Wang, Y., Liu, T., Gong, D., Wang, H. *, Guo, H., Liao, M., Deng, S., Cai, H., and Boguang Wang*: Anthropogenic Pollutants Induce Changes in Peroxyacetyl Nitrate Formation Intensity and Pathways in a Mountainous Background Atmosphere in Southern China, Environ Sci Technol, 57, 6253-6262, 10.1021/acs.est.2c02845, 2023.

[3]    Li, J., Zhang, C., Zhao, W., Han, S., Wang, Y., Wang, H.*, and Boguang Wang*: Rapid Adaptive Optimization Model for Atmospheric Chemistry (ROMAC) v1.0, Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 6049-6066, 10.5194/gmd-16-6049-2023, 2023.

[4]    Li, Q., Gong, D., Wang, H.*, Wang, Y., Han, S., Wu, G., Deng, S., Yu, P., Wang, W., and Boguang Wang*: Rapid increase in atmospheric glyoxal and methylglyoxal concentrations in Lhasa, Tibetan Plateau: Potential sources and implications, The Science of the total environment, 153782, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153782, 2022.

[5]    Zhang, C., Xu, T., Wu, G., Gao, F., Liu, Y., Gong, D., Wang, H., Zhang, C., and Boguang Wang*: Reduction of fugitive VOC emissions using leak detection and repair (LDAR) in a petroleum refinery of Pearl River Delta, China, Appl Energ, 324, 119701,, 2022.

[6]    Jun Yang#*, Maigeng Zhou#, Zhoupeng Ren#, Mengmeng Li, Boguang Wang, De Li Liu, Chun-Quan Ou, Peng Yin, Jimin Sun, Shilu Tong, Hao Wang, Chunlin Zhang, Jinfeng Wang, Yuming Guo, Qiyong Liu*. Projecting heat-related excess mortality under climate change scenarios in China. Nature Communications, 2021,12:1039,

[7]    Jun Yang#*, Maigeng Zhou, Mengmeng Li, Peng Yin, Jianlin Hu, Chunlin Zhang, Hao Wang, Qiyong Liu*, Boguang Wang*. (2020) Fine particulate matter constituents and cause-specific mortality in China: A nationwide modelling study. Environment International, 143:105927.

[8]    Youjing Lin#, Daocheng Gong#, Shaojun Lv, Yaozhou Ding, Gengchen Wu, Hao Wang, Yanlei Li, Yujin Wang, Lei Zhou, and Boguang Wang*.: Observations of High Levels of Ozone-Depleting CFC-11 at a Remote Mountain-Top Site in Southern China. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 2019, 6 (3), pp 114–118.

[9]    Gong, D., Wang, H*., Zhang, S., Wang, Y., Liu, S., Guo, H., Shao, M., He, C., Chen, D., He, L., Zhou, L., Morawska, L., Zhang, Y., and Wang, B*.: Low-level isoprene observed during summertime at a forested mountaintop site in southern China: implications for strong regional atmospheric oxidative capacity, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2018,18,14417-14432.

[10]  Y. Zou, X. J. Deng, D. Zhu, D. C. Gong, H. Wang, F. Li, H. B. Tan, T. Deng, B. R. Mai, X. T. Liu, and B. G. Wang*. Characteristics of 1 year of observational data of VOCs, NOx and O3 at a suburban site in Guangzhou, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2015, 15, 6625-6636.

[11]  Wang Boguang*, Xia Ling, Zhou Lei, Wang Hao and Zhang Chunlin. Health Risk Assessment of Volatile Carbonyl Compounds in the Atmosphere of Chinese Megacities.Social Sciences in China, 2014, 35(3):140-157.



[1]    双菊荣; 王伯光 (共同主编). 机动车排气检验——标准解析、设备原理、技术方法与应用(第一版), 科学出版社, 2017, 6: 22-50.

[2]    张春粦; 郑维先; 陈志东; 沈沙亭; 王伯光* (共同副主编). 垃圾焚烧发电应用技术及其安全分析, 暨南大学出版社, 2019, 12: 228-272.




博士研究生课程:《Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics》

