







1. 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,活性污泥中全程硝化菌在弱酸低氧胁迫下的响应机制,2024.01-2026.1215万,主持

2. 广州市2024年度基础与应用基础研究专题(科技菁英领航项目),构建基于硝化菌群调控的污水处理N2O减排新理论与策略,2024.04-2027.0330万,主持

3. 国家自然基金面上项目,反应器中全程硝化细菌在酸性低氧下的竞争行为与作用机制(52170035),2022.01-2025.1259万元,主持;

4. 国家自然青年科学基金项目,活性污泥系统中一氧化二氮在长期低氧下的产生机制与模拟(51608230),2017.01-2019.1220万元,主持;

5. “广东省特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才(2019TQ05L560),2020.01-2022.1250万元,主持;

6. 广东省自然基金面上项目,低氧活性污泥系统中comammox的菌群特征及对硝化和N2O释放的影响,2021.01-2022.1210万,主持;

7. 广东省国际科技合作项目(2018A050506042),基于微纳米复氧和异位强化生物处理的城市水环境综合治理技术的研发与应用,2018.11-2021.10100万元,主持;

8. 广州市科学研究计划重点项目,基于分子标志物的黑臭河涌污染源解析及微生态修复技术的研发(201804020050),2018.05-2020.03200万元,第二负责人(个人分配100万);

9. 广州市科技计划产学研协同创新重大专项,重力流膜生物反应器及其膜污染原位控制技术的研发与示范(201704020138),100万元,主持;

10. 广东省水利科技创新项目(重点),兼顾污水脱氮除磷与污泥处置的农村水污染治理技术的研发与应用示范(201628),2016.04-2019.03134万,主持;




(25) Zhuang Zhang, Deyong Li, Changhui Zhou, Xiaoshan Huang, Yantong Chen, Shijie Wang, Guoqiang Liu*. Enhanced nitrogen removal via partial nitrification/denitrification coupled Anammox using three stage anoxic/oxic biofilm process with intermittent aeration. Water Research, 2024, 255121491.

(24) Ju Huang, Xianwei Wu, Zhongya Fan, Guoqiang Liu*Compact and water flushing resistant mesh biofilms forming at short SRT disappeared naturally under extended SRT in dynamic membrane bioreactor. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 357: 120824

(23Zhichang Ren, Deyong Li, Zhuang Zhang, Weimin Sun, Guoqiang Liu*Enhancing the Relative Abundance of Comammox Nitrospira in Ammonia Oxidizer Community Decreases N2O Emission in Nitrification ExponentiallyChemosphere2024, 356: 141883.

(22Xiuyun Chen, Deyong Li, Changhui Zhou, Xuechun Liu, Gang Ren, Guoqiang Liu*. Predation preference for extracellular polysaccharides by paramecia and rotifers may have accelerated the decline of membrane biofilm hydraulic resistance. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 889: 164090.

(21Deyong Li, Zhichang Ren, Yangqi Zhou, Lugao Jiang, Min Zheng, Guoqiang Liu*. Comammox Nitrospira and ammonia-oxidizing archaea are dominant ammonia oxidizers in sediments of an acid mine lake containing high ammonium concentrations. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2023, 89(3).

(20) Mai Liu, Guichang Chen, Ying Guan*, Guoqiang Liu*. Correlation of structural extracellular polymeric substances in the mesh biofilms with solids retention time and biofilm hydraulic resistance in dynamic membrane bioreactors. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 832: 155000.

(19) Guichang Chen, Jinlan Wen, Yang Yu, Mai Liu, Guoqiang Liu*. Dynamic membranes with sparse nanofibers as the skeletons yield better and more stable effluent quality without sacrificing the flux in bioreactors. Journal of membrane science 2022, 650: 120414.

(18) Qiaolin Zhang, Ruixue Huang, Lugao Jiang, Zichuan Lu, Ganlin Wu, Juxia Lei, Sifan Liao, Guoqiang Liu*, Baowei Li, Jianmin Wang. Enhancing nitrogen removal and reducing aeration energy for wastewater treatment with intermittent Modified Ludzack-Ettinger process: A field demonstration. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, 43: 102303.(SCI二区)

(17) Guoqiang Liu*, Xianwei Wu, Deyong Li, Lugao Jiang, Ju Huang, Li Zhuang. Long-term low DO operation decreases N2O emissions in the activated sludge process. Environmental Science and Technology 2021, 55(10): 6975–6983.

(16) Ju Huang, Xianwei Wu, Guoqiang Liu*. Water flushing irremovable biofilms on support material in dynamic membrane bioreactor: formation, composition, and microbial community. Chemosphere 2021, 271: 129813.

 (15) Lugao Jiang, Yang Yu, Guoqiang Liu*. Effects of inorganic particles and their interactions with biofilms on dynamic membrane structure and long-term filtration performance. Science of the Total Environment 2021: 146639.

(14) Deyong Li, Fang Fang, Guoqiang Liu*. Efficient nitrification and low N2O emission in a weakly acidic bioreactor at low dissolved oxygen levels are due to comammox. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2021, 33741624.

(13) Zichuan Lu, Deyong Li, Lugao Jiang, Gaofeng Chen, Kaibin Li, Guoqiang Liu*. Characterizing the biofilm stoichiometry and kinetics on the media in situ based on pulse-flow respirometer coupling with a new breathing reactor. Chemosphere 2020, 252: 126378. 

(12) Wufeng Wu, Jingsi Su, Miaomiao Jia, Zhanjun Li, Guoqiang Liu, Wanbin Li*. Vapor-phase linker exchange of metal-organic frameworks. Science Advance 2020, 6: eaax7270.

(11) Gaofeng Chen, Donglong Cai, Ju Huang, Zichuan Lu, Yang Yu, Guoqiang Liu*. Biofilm as a live and in-situ formed membrane for solids separation in bioreactors: biofilm succession governs resistance variation demonstrated during the start-up period. Journal of Membrane Science 2020, 608: 118197.

(10) Simeng Li, ZhuangZhuang Wu, Zixin Wu, Guoqiang Liu*. Enhancing fiber recovery from wastewater may require toilet paper redesign. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 261: 121138. 

(9) Ju Huang#, Xianwei Wu#, Donglong Cai, Gaofeng Chen, Deyong Li, Yang Yu, Guoqiang Liu*. Linking Solids Retention Time to the Composition, Structure, and Hydraulic Resistance of Biofilm Developed on the Support Material in the Dynamic Membrane Bioreactors. Journal of Membrane Science 2019, 581: 158-167.

(8) Xianwei Wu, Ju Huang, Zichuan Lu, Gaofeng Chen, Jianmin Wang, Guoqiang Liu*Thiothrix eikelboomii Interferes Oxygen Transfer in Activated Sludge. Water Research 2019, 151, 134-143.

(7Guoqiang Liu*, Jianmin Wang*, Ken Campbell. Formation of Filamentous Microorganisms Impedes Oxygen Transfer and Decreases Aeration Efficiency for Wastewater Treatment. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018189: 502-509.

(6) Donglong Cai, Ju Huang, Guoqiang Liu*, Mingyu Li, Yang Yu, Fangang Meng. Effect of support material pore size on the filtration behavior of dynamic membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology 2018, 255: 359-363.

(5Guoqiang Liu, Jianmin Wang*. Enhanced removal of total nitrogen and total phosphorus by applying intermittent aeration to the Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) process. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017, 166, 163-171.

(4) X Lu, K Shih, X Li, G Liu, EY Zeng, F Wang*. Accuracy and application of quantitative X-ray diffraction on the precipitation of struvite product. Water Research 2015, 90: 9-14.

(3Guoqiang Liu, Jianmin Wang*. Modeling effects of DO and SRT on activated sludge decay and production. Water Research 2015 80: 169-178.

(2Guoqiang Liu, Jianmin Wang*. Long-term low DO enriches and shifts nitrifier community in activated sludge. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47(10): 5109-5117.

(1Guoqiang Liu, Jianmin Wang*. Probing the stoichiometry of the nitrification process using respirometric approach. Water Research 2012, 46(18): 5954-5962.


1. 刘国强、卢子川. 一种用于测定生物膜呼吸速率的呼吸瓶、测定装置及测定方法。PCT国际专利。PCT国际专利申请号:PCT/CN2018/104513。

2刘国强、卢子川. 一种用于测定生物膜呼吸速率的呼吸瓶、测定装置及测定方法.ZL201810990257.1.发明专利,授权日期:2022.04.22

3刘国强. 一种适用于小流量污水处理系统的污泥自然生物浓缩干化池 ZL20151086491.X.发明专利,授权日期:2018.01.23

4刘国强. 一种用于小流量污水深度脱氮除磷的方法与装置. ZL201510843584.3. 发明专利,授权日期:2018.08.07

5刘国强,汪世杰. 一种兼容多种脱氮路径的污水处理装置及工艺,申请号:202210827731.8


1. 2023年广东省环境保护科学技术一等奖(第一完成人)

2. 2021年广东省环境科学学会生态环境青年科技奖

3. 2020年暨南大学双百英才杰出青年第一层次入选者(100%资助)

4. 2019“广东省特支计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才

5. 暨南大学第五届本科课程新任教师教学竞赛理工组二等奖

6. 美国2015 CAPEES 年度最佳论文奖




