


1. Qinqin Li, Daocheng Gong, Zijian Chen, Jiangyong Li, Gengchen Wu, Shuo Deng, Hao Wang, Lingyan He, Boguang Wang. Origins of formaldehyde in a mountainous background atmosphere of southern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2024.


2. Qinqin Li, Daocheng Gong, Hao Wang, Shuo Deng, Chengliang ZhangXujun Mo, Jun Chen, Boguang Wang. Tibetan Plateau is vulnerable to aromatic-related photochemical pollution and health threats: A case study in Lhasa, Science of the Total Environment, 2023.

3. Qinqin Li, Daocheng Gong, Hao Wang, Yu Wang, Shijie Han, Gengchen WuShuo Deng, Pengfei Yu, Wenlu Wang, Boguang Wang. Rapid increase in atmospheric glyoxal and methylglyoxal concentrations in LhasaTibetan Plateau: Potential sources and implications. Science of the Total Environment, 2022. 

4. Qinqin Li, Daocheng Gong, Yu WangHao Wang, Wenlu WangGengchen Wu, Hai Guo, Boguang Wang. Accelerated toluene degradation over forests around megacities in southern China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022.


1.  大气环境化学

2.  烟雾箱模拟

3. 人为源-天然源交互作用




1. Qinqin Li, Daocheng Gong, Zijian Chen, Jiangyong Li, Gengchen Wu, Shuo Deng, Hao Wang, Lingyan He, Boguang Wang. Origins of formaldehyde in a mountainous background atmosphere of southern China. Science of the Total Environment, 2024.


2. Qinqin Li, Daocheng Gong, Hao Wang, Shuo Deng, Chengliang ZhangXujun Mo, Jun Chen, Boguang Wang. Tibetan Plateau is vulnerable to aromatic-related photochemical pollution and health threats: A case study in Lhasa, Science of the Total Environment, 2023.

3. Qinqin Li, Daocheng Gong, Hao Wang, Yu Wang, Shijie Han, Gengchen WuShuo Deng, Pengfei Yu, Wenlu Wang, Boguang Wang. Rapid increase in atmospheric glyoxal and methylglyoxal concentrations in LhasaTibetan Plateau: Potential sources and implications. Science of the Total Environment, 2022. 

4. Qinqin Li, Daocheng Gong, Yu WangHao Wang, Wenlu WangGengchen Wu, Hai Guo, Boguang Wang. Accelerated toluene degradation over forests around megacities in southern China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022.


