


1.  Zhang S, Li G, Ma N, et al. Exploring HONO formation and its role in driving secondary pollutants formation during winter in the North China Plain[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022.

2.  Zhang C, Yu D, Ma N, et al. Effect of size and concentration corrections for surface tension on the hygroscopicity prediction of nano-aerosols[J]. Powder Technology, 2023: 119278.

3.  Wang Q, Zhou Y, Ma N, et al. Review of Brown Carbon Aerosols in China: Pollution Level, Optical Properties, and Emissions[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2022, 127(16): e2021JD035473.

4.  Liang M, Tao J, Ma N, et al. Prediction of CCN spectra parameters in the North China plain using random forest model[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2022: 119323.

5.  Yang Z, Ma N, Wang Q, et al. Characteristics and source apportionment of black carbon aerosol in the North China Plain[J]. Atmospheric Research, 2022: 106246.

6.  Shi, J., Hong, J., Ma, N., Luo, Q., He, Y., Xu, H., Tan, H., Wang, Q., Tao, J., Zhou, Y., Han, S., Peng, L., Xie, L., Zhou, G., Xu, W., Sun, Y., Cheng, Y., and Su, H.: Measurement report: On the difference in aerosol hygroscopicity between high and low relative humidity conditions in the North China Plain, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 4599–4613,, 2022.

7.  Zhou, Y., Ma, N., Wang, Q., Wang, Z., Chen, C., Tao, J., Hong, J., Peng, L., He, Y., Xie, L., Zhu, S., Zhang, Y., Li, G., Xu, W., Cheng, P., Kuhn, U., Zhou, G., Fu, P., Zhang, Q., Su, H., and Cheng, Y.: Bimodal distribution of size-resolved particle effective density: results from a short campaign in a rural environment over the North China Plain, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 2029–2047,, 2022.

8.  Wu S, Tao J, Ma N, et al. Particle number size distribution of PM1 and PM10 in fogs and implications on fog droplet evolutions[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2022: 119086.

9.  Han, S., Hong, J., Luo, Q., Xu, H., Tan, H., Wang, Q., Tao, J., Zhou, Y., Peng, L., He, Y., Shi, J., Ma, N., Cheng, Y., and Su, H.: Hygroscopicity of organic compounds as a function of organic functionality, water solubility, molecular weight, and oxidation level, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 3985–4004,, 2022.

10.  Cheng Y, Ma N, Witt C, et al. Face masks effectively limit the probability of SARS-CoV-2 transmission[J]. Science, 2021.

11.  Tao, J., Kuang, Y., Ma, N., Hong, J., Sun, Y., Xu, W., ... & Cheng, Y. (2021). Secondary aerosol formation alters CCN activity in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(9), 7409-7427.

12.  Wang, X., Ma, N., Lei, T., Größ, J., Li, G., Liu, F., ... & Su, H. (2019). Effective density and hygroscopicity of protein particles generated with spray-drying process. Journal of Aerosol Science, 105441.

13.  Wiedensohler A, Ma N, Birmili W, et al. Infrequent New Particle Formation over the Remote Boreal Forest of Siberia[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2018.

14.  Ditas J, Ma N, Zhang Y, et al. Strong impact of wildfires on the abundance and aging of black carbon in the lowermost stratosphere[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115(50): E11595-E11603.


1. 马楠;程雅芳;苏杭;谢林宏;朱绍文、适用于无人机或系留汽艇的气溶胶采样袋、装置,2019年07月19日,ZL 2018 2 1587599.3(实用新型专利已授权)




        1. 大气气溶胶物理特性

        2. 气溶胶-云相互作用

        3. 气溶胶健康效应


1. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金自然科学基金委员会,卓越青年团队项目,2024B1515040026,云过程对光吸收性碳质气溶胶环境气候效应的影响,2024-01-01至2027-12-31,300万元,在研,主持。

2. 国家科技部,国家重点研发计划专项课题四,2017YFC0210104,云雾过程对大气颗粒物沉降的影响和数值模拟,2017-8-22至2021-07-31,405万元,结题,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然基金面上项目,42375072,云雾过程中黑碳理化性质的变化及其关键影响因素观测研究,2024-01-01至2027-12-31,50万元,在研,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家自然基金面上项目,41877303,基于无人机平台的黑碳颗粒物垂直分布及环境效应评估,2019-01-01至2022-12-31,61万元,结题,主持。

     5. 国家海外高层次人才经费,国家海外人才引进计划青年项目专项经费,2019-01-01至2023-12-31,200万元,结题,主持。

     6. 广东省科技厅,广东省引进创新创业团队,2016ZT06N263,区域大气污染防治与低碳技术研发平台,2017-09-01至2022-08-31,200万元,结题,参与。



1.  Zhang S, Li G, Ma N, et al. Exploring HONO formation and its role in driving secondary pollutants formation during winter in the North China Plain[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022.

2.  Zhang C, Yu D, Ma N, et al. Effect of size and concentration corrections for surface tension on the hygroscopicity prediction of nano-aerosols[J]. Powder Technology, 2023: 119278.

3.  Wang Q, Zhou Y, Ma N, et al. Review of Brown Carbon Aerosols in China: Pollution Level, Optical Properties, and Emissions[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2022, 127(16): e2021JD035473.

4.  Liang M, Tao J, Ma N, et al. Prediction of CCN spectra parameters in the North China plain using random forest model[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2022: 119323.

5.  Yang Z, Ma N, Wang Q, et al. Characteristics and source apportionment of black carbon aerosol in the North China Plain[J]. Atmospheric Research, 2022: 106246.

6.  Shi, J., Hong, J., Ma, N., Luo, Q., He, Y., Xu, H., Tan, H., Wang, Q., Tao, J., Zhou, Y., Han, S., Peng, L., Xie, L., Zhou, G., Xu, W., Sun, Y., Cheng, Y., and Su, H.: Measurement report: On the difference in aerosol hygroscopicity between high and low relative humidity conditions in the North China Plain, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 4599–4613,, 2022.

7.  Zhou, Y., Ma, N., Wang, Q., Wang, Z., Chen, C., Tao, J., Hong, J., Peng, L., He, Y., Xie, L., Zhu, S., Zhang, Y., Li, G., Xu, W., Cheng, P., Kuhn, U., Zhou, G., Fu, P., Zhang, Q., Su, H., and Cheng, Y.: Bimodal distribution of size-resolved particle effective density: results from a short campaign in a rural environment over the North China Plain, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 2029–2047,, 2022.

8.  Wu S, Tao J, Ma N, et al. Particle number size distribution of PM1 and PM10 in fogs and implications on fog droplet evolutions[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2022: 119086.

9.  Han, S., Hong, J., Luo, Q., Xu, H., Tan, H., Wang, Q., Tao, J., Zhou, Y., Peng, L., He, Y., Shi, J., Ma, N., Cheng, Y., and Su, H.: Hygroscopicity of organic compounds as a function of organic functionality, water solubility, molecular weight, and oxidation level, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 3985–4004,, 2022.

10.  Cheng Y, Ma N, Witt C, et al. Face masks effectively limit the probability of SARS-CoV-2 transmission[J]. Science, 2021.

11.  Tao, J., Kuang, Y., Ma, N., Hong, J., Sun, Y., Xu, W., ... & Cheng, Y. (2021). Secondary aerosol formation alters CCN activity in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(9), 7409-7427.

12.  Wang, X., Ma, N., Lei, T., Größ, J., Li, G., Liu, F., ... & Su, H. (2019). Effective density and hygroscopicity of protein particles generated with spray-drying process. Journal of Aerosol Science, 105441.

13.  Wiedensohler A, Ma N, Birmili W, et al. Infrequent New Particle Formation over the Remote Boreal Forest of Siberia[J]. Atmospheric Environment, 2018.

14.  Ditas J, Ma N, Zhang Y, et al. Strong impact of wildfires on the abundance and aging of black carbon in the lowermost stratosphere[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115(50): E11595-E11603.


1. 马楠;程雅芳;苏杭;谢林宏;朱绍文、适用于无人机或系留汽艇的气溶胶采样袋、装置,2019年07月19日,ZL 2018 2 1587599.3(实用新型专利已授权)






