


1. Qiao, H., Kuang, Y.*(通讯), Yuan, F., Liu, L.*, Zhai, M., Xu, H., Zou, Y., Deng, T., and Deng, X.: Unlocking the Mystery of Aerosol Phase Transitions Governed by Relative Humidity History Through an Advanced OutdoorNephelometer System, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107179,, 2024.

2. Kuang, Y., Xu, W., Tao, J., Luo, B., Liu, L., Xu, H., Xu, W., Xue, B., Zhai, M., Liu, P., and Sun, Y.: Divergent Impacts of Biomass Burning and Fossil Fuel Combustion Aerosols on Fog-Cloud Microphysics and Chemistry: Novel Insights From Advanced Aerosol-Fog Sampling, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107147,, 2024.

3. Kuang, Y., Huang, S., Xue, B., Luo, B., Song, Q., Chen, W., Hu, W., Li, W., Zhao, P., Cai, M., Peng, Y., Qi, J., Li, T., Wang, S., Chen, D., Yue, D., Yuan, B., and Shao, M.: Contrasting effects of secondary organic aerosol formations on organic aerosol hygroscopicity, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 10375-10391, 10.5194/acp-21-10375-2021, 2021.

4. Kuang, Y.; He, Y.; Xu, W*.; Yuan, B.; Zhang, G.; Ma, Z.; Wu, C.; Wang, C.; Wang, S.; Zhang, S.; Tao, J.; Ma, N.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Shao, M.; Sun, Y*., Photochemical Aqueous-Phase Reactions Induce Rapid Daytime Formation of Oxygenated Organic Aerosol on the North China Plain. Environmental science & technology 2020.

5. Kuang, Y., Zhao, C., Tao, J., Bian, Y., Ma, N., and Zhao, G.: A novel method for deriving the aerosol hygroscopicity parameter based only on measurements from a humidified nephelometer system, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 6651-6662, 10.5194/ acp-17-6651-2017, 2017.











1. 国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目《环境气溶胶相态变化特征及其大气环境效应研究》,2019-01-012021-12-31,26万元,结题主持。




1. Qiao, H., Kuang, Y.*(通讯), Yuan, F., Liu, L.*, Zhai, M., Xu, H., Zou, Y., Deng, T., and Deng, X.: Unlocking the Mystery of Aerosol Phase Transitions Governed by Relative Humidity History Through an Advanced OutdoorNephelometer System, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107179,, 2024.

2. Kuang, Y., Xu, W., Tao, J., Luo, B., Liu, L., Xu, H., Xu, W., Xue, B., Zhai, M., Liu, P., and Sun, Y.: Divergent Impacts of Biomass Burning and Fossil Fuel Combustion Aerosols on Fog-Cloud Microphysics and Chemistry: Novel Insights From Advanced Aerosol-Fog Sampling, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107147,, 2024.

3. Kuang, Y., Huang, S., Xue, B., Luo, B., Song, Q., Chen, W., Hu, W., Li, W., Zhao, P., Cai, M., Peng, Y., Qi, J., Li, T., Wang, S., Chen, D., Yue, D., Yuan, B., and Shao, M.: Contrasting effects of secondary organic aerosol formations on organic aerosol hygroscopicity, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 10375-10391, 10.5194/acp-21-10375-2021, 2021.

4. Kuang, Y.; He, Y.; Xu, W*.; Yuan, B.; Zhang, G.; Ma, Z.; Wu, C.; Wang, C.; Wang, S.; Zhang, S.; Tao, J.; Ma, N.; Su, H.; Cheng, Y.; Shao, M.; Sun, Y*., Photochemical Aqueous-Phase Reactions Induce Rapid Daytime Formation of Oxygenated Organic Aerosol on the North China Plain. Environmental science & technology 2020.

5. Kuang, Y., Zhao, C., Tao, J., Bian, Y., Ma, N., and Zhao, G.: A novel method for deriving the aerosol hygroscopicity parameter based only on measurements from a humidified nephelometer system, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 6651-6662, 10.5194/ acp-17-6651-2017, 2017.








