



1. 2006-092009-06,复旦大学,环境科学博士

2. 2003-092006-06,扬州大学,物理化学,硕士

3. 1999-092003-06,曲阜师范大学大学,化学工程与工艺,学士


1. 2024/04-至今,暨南大学,环境与气候学院/质谱仪器与大气环境研究所,所长/研究员

2. 2023/09-2024/04,暨南大学,环境与气候学院/质谱仪器与大气环境研究所,研究员

3. 2022/10-2023/09,暨南大学,质谱仪器与大气环境研究所,研究员

4. 2016/10-2022/10,暨南大学,质谱仪器与大气环境研究所,副研究员

5. 2013/07-2016/10,暨南大学,质谱仪器与大气环境研究所,助理研究员

6. 2009/07-2013/07,上海大学,环境污染与健康研究所,助理研究员











6、2017/01-2019/12,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,典型港口城市船舶排放 细颗粒物理化特征及其大气老化过程研究,25万,结题,主持;




10、2014/10-2015/05,中国科学院重点部署项目,“先导 2014 京津冀地区灰霾综合外场实验”子课题,15万,结题,主持;

11、2015/08-2018/08,2015 年广东省自然基金,珠三角典型城市大气环境单颗粒 气溶胶光学性质及与混合状态的关系研究,10万,结题,主持;

12、2015/04-2018/03,2015 年广州市珠江新星计划,广州地区灰霾天气大气气溶 胶理化及光学特性研究,10万,结题,主持;




16、2018/10-2020/10,地方横向课题,嘉兴市大气中臭氧和 VOCs 源解析、臭氧污染控制机制研究项目,178万,结题,主持;

17、2019/9-2020/9,地方横向课题,生态环境检测网络委托运行项目之空气质量 预报预警系统运转项目,65万,结题,主持;




1. Li Mei,Chen, HongWang, Bi-FeiYang, XinLian, Jin-JunChen, Jian-MinDirect quantification of PAHs in biomass burning aerosols by desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometryInternational Journal of Mass Spectrometry20092811-2):31-36.

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3. Mei Li,Jun-Guo DongZheng-Xu HuangLei LIWei GAOHui-Qing NIANZhong FUPing CHENGZhen ZHOU. Analysis of Cigarette Smoke Aerosol by Single Particle Aerosol Mass SpectrometerChinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry2012406):936-939.

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5. Li Ma, Mei Li1, Hefeng Zhang, Lei. Li, Zhengxu Huang, Wei Gao, Duohong Chen, Zhong Fu, Huiqing Nian, Lilin Zou, Jian Gao, Fahe Chai, Zhen Zhou*. Comparative analysis of chemical composition and sources of aerosol particles in urban Beijing during clear, hazy, and dusty days using single particle aerosol mass spectrometryJournal of Cleaner Production2016,112,1319-1329.

6. Chunlei Cheng, Zuzhao Huang, Chak K. Chan, Yangxi Chu, Mei Li*, Tao Zhang, Yubo Ou,

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7. Chunlei Cheng, Mei Li*, Chak K. Chan, Haijie Tong, Changhong Chen, Duohong Chen, Dui

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8. Guochun Lv, Xiaomin Sun* Chenxi Zhang, and Mei Li*.Understanding the catalytic role of oxalic acid in SO3 hydration to form H2SO4 in the atmosphere. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2019, 19, 2833–2844.

9. Li Ma, Mei Li*, Zhengxu Huang, Lei Li, Wei Gao, Huiqing Nian, Lilin Zou, Zhong Fu, Jian Gao, Fahe Chai, Zhen Zhou*, Real time analysis of lead-containing atmospheric particles in Beijing during springtime by single particle aerosol mass spectrometry, Chemosphere,2016,154:454-462.

10. Chunlei Cheng, Suxia Yang, Bin Yuan, Chenglei Pei, Zhihua Zhou, Liyuan Mao, Sulin Liu, Duanying Chen, Xiaoya Cheng, Mei Li*, Min Shao, Zhen Zhou. The significant contribution of nitrate to a severe haze event in the winter of Guangzhou, China[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 909: 168582.

11. Xi Chen, Bo Huang, Mei Li*, Runhui Xiao, Mingfu Cai, Zhihua Zhou, Song Ma, Wei Gao, Zhen Zhou. A prediction index of the volatile organic compounds pollution conditions in a chemical industrial park based on atmospheric stability[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024: 170862.

12. Sulin Liu, Suxia Yang, Duanying Chen, Liyuan Mao, Xiaoya Cheng, Zhen Zhou, Chenglei, Mei Li*, Chunlei Cheng*. Influence of ozone pollution on the mixing state and formation of oxygenated organics containing single particles[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2024: 171880.

13. Chunyan Jiang; Chenglei Pei; Chunlei Cheng; Huizhong Shen; Qianhua Zhang; Xiufeng Lian; Xin Xiong; Wei Gao; Ming Liu; Zixin Wang; Bo Huang; Mei Tang; Fan Yang; Zhen Zhou; Mei Li*; Emission factors and source profiles of volatile organic compounds from typical industrial sources in Guangzhou, China, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 869: 161758.

14. Xingna Yu, JiaMa, K. Raghavendra Kumar*, Bin Zhu, Junlin An, Jiaqi He, Mei Li*. Measurement and analysis of surface aerosol optical properties over urban Nanjing in the Chinese Yangtze River DeltaScience of the Total Environment. 2016,542, 277–291.

15. Junyan Duan, YanyuWang, Xin Xie, Mei Li*, Jun Tao, YunfeiWu, Tiantao Cheng⁎, Renjian Zhang,Yuehui Liu, Xiang Li, Qianshan He,Wei Gao, JianpengWang*. Influence of pollutants on activity of aerosol cloud condensation nuclei(CCN) during pollution and post-rain periods in Guangzhou,southern China,Science of the Total Environment ,2018,642,1008-1019.

16. NaWu, Dongmei Cai, Mengjie Guo, Mei Li*, Xiang Li*.Per- and polyfluorinated compounds in saleswomen's urine linked to indoor dust in clothing shops. Science of the Total Environment,2019,667:594-600.

17. Chunlei Cheng, Chak K. Chan*, Berto Paul Lee, Masao Gen, Mei Li*, Suxia Yang , Feng Hao,ChengWu, Peng Cheng, DuiWu, Lei Li, Zhengxu Huang, Wei Gao, Zhong Fu, Zhen Zhou. Single particle diversity and mixing state of carbonaceous aerosols in Guangzhou, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021,754, 142182.

18. Yang Zhou, Zaihua Wang, Chenglei Pei, Lei Li, Mengxi Wu, Manman Wu, Bo Huang, Chunlei Cheng*, Mei Li*, Xinming Wang, Zhen Zhou. Source-oriented characterization of single particles from in-port ship emissions in Guangzhou, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,724,138179.

19. Haifeng Gong, Chunlei Cheng*, Mei Li*, Suxia Yang, Qianni Zhou, Qi En Zhong, Yao Zhang,Yutong Xie, Zhen Zhou.The enhanced mixing states of oxalate with metals in single particles in Guangzhou, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021,783,146962.

20. Feng Wang, Haofei Yu, Zhenyu Wang,Weiqing Liang, Guoliang Shi*, Jian Gao*,Mei Li*, Yinchang Feng. Review of online source apportionment research based on observation for ambient particulate matter, Science of the Total Environment, 2021,762,144095.

21. Xiufeng Lian, Guigang Tang, Xu Dao, Xiaodong Hu, Xin Xiong, Guohua Zhang, Zaihua Wang,Chunlei Cheng, Xiaofei Wang, Xinhui Bi, Lei Li, Mei Li*, Zhen ZhouSeasonal variations of imidazoles in urban areas of Beijing and Guangzhou,China by single particle mass spectrometry, Science of the Total Environment,2022,844,156995.

22. Liyuan Zhou, Mei Li* , Chunlei Cheng, Zhen Zhou, Huiqing Nian, Rongzhi Tang, Chak K. Chan. Real-time chemical characterization of single ambient particles at a port city in Chinese domestic emission control area-Impacts of ship emissions on urban air qualityScience of the Total Environment,2022,819,153117.

23. Zhancong Liang, Liyuan Zhou, Rosemarie Ann Infante Cuevas, Xinyue Li, Chunlei Cheng, Mei Li,* Rongzhi Tang, Ruifeng Zhang, Patrick K. H. Lee, Alvin C. K. Lai, and Chak K. Chan*.Sulfate Formation in Incense Burning Particles: A Single Particle Mass

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24. Yao Zhang, Chenglei Pei, Jinwen Zhang, Chunlei Cheng, Xiufeng Lian, Mubai Chen, Bo Huang, Zhong Fu, Zhen Zhou, Mei Li*. Detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using a high performance-single particle aerosol mass spectrometer,2023,124806-824.

25. Lei Cao,Yanan Tao,Hao Zheng,Mei Wang ,Shiying Li 4,Yongjiang Xu, Mei Li*. Chemical Composition and Source of PM2.5 during Winter Heating Period in Guanzhong Basin[J]. Atmosphere,2023,14(11):1640.

26. Chaowu Liu, Guoqu Zeng, Mei Li*, Zhen Zhou*. Laboratory validation of  rapid discrimination of single microbial cells via SPAMS with machine learningInternational Journal of Mass Spectrometry,2020,454,116340.

27. Yang Zhou, X. H. Hilda Huang, Stephen M. Griffith, Mei Li*, Lei Li, Zhen Zhou, Junwang Meng, Chak K. Chan, Peter K.K. Louie, Jian Zhen Yu*.A field measurement based scaling approach for quantification of major ions, organic carbon, and elemental carbon using a single particle aerosol mass spectrometer, Atmospheric Environment, 2016,43(10):300-312.

28. Xingna Yu, Rui Lü, K. Raghavendra Kumar*, Jia Ma1, Qiuju Zhang, Yilun Jiang, Na Kang, Suying Yang, Jing Wang, Mei Li*.Dust aerosol properties and radiative forcing observed in spring during 2001–2014 over urban Beijing, China, Environ Sci Pollut Res,2016,23:15432–15442.

29. Gan Ting, Li Mei*, Huang Zheng Xu, Chen Duo Hong, GAO Wei, Li Lei,Lu Jiang Lin, Jiang Bin, Bi Xin Hui, Zhou Zhen*. Study on Size Distribution of Organic Carbon and Elemental Carbon in Different Seasons in Guangdong Atmospheric SupersiteChinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry2015,12,1934 -1941.

30. Chen DuoHong, Li Mei*, Huang Bo, Jiang Bin, Zhang Tao, Jiang Ming, Xie Min, Zhong LiuJu, Bi XinHui, Lv XiaoMing, Zhang Gan, Zhou Zhen. The pollution characteristics and source apportionment of regional atmospheric fine particles. China Environmental Science, 2016,36(3 ) 651-659.

31. Jiao Xu, Yingze Tian*, Chunlei Cheng, Chuang Wang, Qiuju Lina, Mei Li*,Xiaofei Wang, Guoliang Shi. Characteristics and source apportionment of ambient single particles in Tianjin, China: The close association between oxalic acid and biomass burning. Atmospheric Research, 2020, 237,104843.

32. Jianglin Lu, Li Ma, Chunlei Cheng, Chenglei Pei, Chak K. Chan, Xinhui Bi,Yiming Qin, Haobo Tan, Jingbo Zhou, Mubai Chen, Lei Li, Bo Huang, Mei Li*,Zhen Zhou.Real time analysis of lead-containing atmospheric particles in Guangzhou during wintertime using single particle aerosol mass spectrometry, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019,168, 53-63.

33. Hui-bin Guo, Mei Li*, Yan Lyu, Tian-tao Cheng, Junejun Xv, Xiang Li*. Size-resolved particle oxidative potential in the office, laboratory, and home: Evidence for the importance of water-soluble transition metals, Environmental Pollution, 2019,246, 704-709.

34. Xing Peng, Xiaoxi Liu, Xurong Shi, Guoliang Shi*, Mei Li*, Jiayuan Liu,Yanqi Huangfu, Hong Xu, Ruoyu Ma, Wei Wang, Yinchang Feng*. Source apportionment using receptor model based on aerosol mass spectra and 1 h resolution chemical dataset in Tianjin, China, Atmospheric Environment, 2019,198, 387-397.

35. Yaqin Gao, Mei Li*, Xiao Wan, Xiuwen Zhao, Yang Wu, Xiaoxia Liu, Xiang Li*. Important contributions of alkenes and aromatics to VOCs emissions, chemistry and secondary pollutants formation at an industrial site of central eastern China, Atmospheric Environment, 2021,244,117927.

36. Chaowu Liu, Boning Li, Mei Li*, Cong Liu, Zhen Zhou*: Analysis of Single-Cell Microbial Mass Spectra Profiles from Single-Particle Aerosol Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2021, 35(10):9069.

37. Yutong Xie, Chunlei Cheng, Zaihua Wang, Ke Wang, Yu Wang, Xichang Zhang, Xingheng Li, Lijun Ren, Ming Liu, Mei Li*. Exploration of O3-precursor relationship and observation-oriented O3 control strategies in a non-provincial capital city, southwestern China. Sci Total Environ. 2021;800:149422.

38. Huang Yihua,You Yinong,Wu Manman,Han Min,Zhang Jin,Gao Wei,Xie Danping,Chen Hongzhan,Ou Hui,Song Ninghui,Cheng Chunlei,Zhuang Wen,Li Jiaqi,Lei Zhipeng,Jin Biao,Zhou Zhen,Li Mei*. Chemical characterization and source attribution of organic pollutants in industrial wastewaters from a Chinese chemical industrial park[J]. Environmental Research,2023,229.

39. Xiong Xin,Wang Zaihua,Cheng Chunlei,Li Mei*,Yun Lijun,Liu Sulin,Mao Liyuan,Zhou Zhen. Long-Term Observation of Mixing States and Sources of Vanadium-Containing Single Particles from 2020 to 2021 in Guangzhou, China.[J]. Toxics,2023,11(4).

40. Meng-Rong Yang, Jun Zhou, Xiao-Rong Dai, Dominik van Pinxteren, Ming-Yang Cao, Mei Li**, Hang Xiao*. Characteristics of single aerosol particles during pollution in winter in an urban area of Ningbo, China[J]. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2019, 19(8): 1697-1707.

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42. Qianni Zhou, Chunlei Cheng*, Suxia Yang, Minghao Yuan, Jingjing Meng, Haifeng Gong ,Qien Zhong, Yao Zhang, Yutong Xie, Zhen Zhou, Mei Li*. Enhanced mixing state of black carbon with nitrate in single particles during haze periods in Zhengzhou, China, Journal of environmental science, 2022,185-196.

43. Xiaofan Li, Guochun Lv, Ning Wang, Xiaomin Sun*, Xiang Li, Mei Li*.Theoretical insights into the transformation mechanism and eco-toxicity effects of 5-Fluorouracil by O3 and·OH in waters. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022,160,541-550.

44. Ning Wang, Lin He, Xiaomin Sun*, Xiang Li, Mei Li*. The transformation of Benzophenone-3 in natural waters and AOPs: The roles of reactive oxygen species and potential environmental risks of products. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022,427,127941.

45. Xiufeng Lian, Guohua Zhang, Yuxiang Yang, Mubai Chen, Wenda Yang, Chunlei Cheng, Bo Huang, Zhong Fu, Xinhui Bi, Zhen Zhou, Mei Li*. Measurement of the mixing state of PAHs in individual particles and its effect on PAH transport in urban and remote areas and from major sources, Environmental Research2022, 214, 114075.

46. Mubai Chen, Shiping Li, Long Yun, Yongjiang Xu, Daiwei Chen, Chuxiong Lin, Zhicheng Qiu, Yinong You, Ming Liu, Zhenrong Luo, Liyun Zhang, Chunlei Cheng*, Mei Li*. Characteristics of Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted from Airport Sources and Their Effects on Ozone Production[J]. Toxics, 2024, 12(4): 243.

47. Chen Xi,Wang Nan,Wang Gang,Wang Zaihua,Chen Hui,Cheng Chunlei,Li Mei*,Zheng Lianming,Wu Liqing,Zhang Qianhua,Tang Mei,Huang Bo,Wang Xuemei,Zhou Zhen. The Influence of Synoptic Weather Patterns on Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Ozone Pollution Across Pearl River Delta of Southern China[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2022,127(21).

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