

王好,研究员,博士生导师,广东省“珠江人才计划”引进创新创业团队核心成员。从事大气环境化学研究,在大气氧化性及二次污染的成因机制、气溶胶活性氧在线测量仪器开发等方面取得重要成果。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、广东省科技厅和香港环保署资助的多个科研项目,累积获得项目总经费超过1000万元。发表学术论文120余篇,总引用2900余次,H指数27。担任广东省空气质量科学与管理国际科技合作基地副主任,中国环境科学臭氧污染控制分会和大气环境分会委员,以及Atmospheric Environment: X期刊编辑等学术兼职。


2007-042011-12, 昆士兰科技大学,大气科学,博士







1. 气溶胶化学

2. 大气氧化性

3. 空气质量与健康


1. 国家重点研发计划专项,子课题,传输通道上大气氧化性演变对二次污染的作用机制,2023-2027,88万,在研,主持;

2. 国家重点研发计划专项,子课题,沿海地区关键非均相反应机制对PM2.5和臭氧形成的贡献,2018-2022,60万,结题,主持;

3. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,“华南高山森林大气二次有机气溶胶成因及演化模拟研究”,2019-2022,62万,结题,主持;

4. 广东省国际科技合作项目,“颗粒态和气态活性氧物质的污染水平及来源解析”, 2021-2024,50万,在研,主持;

5. 广东省海洋经济发展(海洋六大产业)专项项目,子课题,“海上新能源船舶清洁燃料智能供给系统研发及应用 ”,2024-2025,60万,主持;

6. 香港环保署科技项目,“追踪大湾区臭氧及其前体物传输通道研究”, 2022-2024,599万(港币),结题,主持;

7. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,重点支持项目,“光化学反应活跃区森林挥发性有机物的组成特征、二次污染成因及贡献研究”,2016-2019,276万,结题,参与;

8. “广东天井山大气环境和气候变化专项科学考察”,广东省科技创新平台类项目,2020-2021, 100万,结题,参与;

9. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,“森林挥发性含氧有机物的在线测量及其大气化学作用”,2014-2017,90万,结题,参与;

10. 广州市民生科技项目,资源环境与社会服务项专题,“气候变化对广州大气二次污染的影响和评估”,2020-2022,100万,结题,参与。



1.Chen, X., Gong, D., Lin, Y., Xu, Q., Wang, Y., Liu, S., Li, Q., Ma, F., Li, J.,  Deng, S., Wang, H.*, Wang, B.* (2025). Emission characteristics of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a subtropical pristine forest of southern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 148, 665682.

2.Zhang, S., Gong, D., Wu, G., Li, Y., Ding, Y., Wang, B.*Wang, H.* (2024). Molecular characteristics and formation mechanisms of biogenic secondary organic aerosols in the mountainous background atmosphere of southern China. Atmospheric Environment, 329, 120540.

3.Zhang, L., Xu, T., Wu, G., Zhang, C.*, Li, Y., Wang, H., Gong, D., Li, Q.,  Wang, B.* (2024). Photochemical loss with consequential underestimation in active VOCs and corresponding secondary pollutions in a petrochemical refinery, China. Science of The Total Environment, 170613.

4.Zhang, C., Cai, Y., Yao, Q., Liu, X., Song, L., Li, J., Deng, S., Wang, H.*, Wang, B. (2024). Emission characteristics of carbonyl compounds from open burning of typical subtropical biomass in South China. Chemosphere, 350, 140979.

5.Ma, F., Zhang, G., Zhang, J., Luo, X., Liao, L., Wang, H., Tang, X., Yi, Z*. (2024). Isoprenoid emissions from Schima superba and Cunninghamia lanceolata: Their responses to elevated temperature by two warming facilities. Science of The Total Environment, 930, 172669.

6.Liu, T., Wang, Y.*, Cai, H., Wang, H., Zhang, C., Chen, J., Dai, Y., Zhao, W., Li, J., Gong, D., Chen, D., Zhai Y., Zhou Y., Liao T.,Wang B.* (2024). Complexities of peroxyacetyl nitrate photochemistry and its control strategies in contrasting environments in the Pearl River Delta region. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7(1), 116.

7.Li, Q., Gong, D., Chen, Z., Li, J., Wu, G., Deng, S., Wang, H.*, He, L., & Wang, B.* (2024). Origins of formaldehyde in a mountainous background atmosphere of southern China. Science of The Total Environment, 931, 172707.

8.Li, J., Huang, C., Zhang, C.*Wang, H., Song, L., Wang, B.* (2024). Underestimated contribution of open biomass burning to terpenoid emissions revealed by a novel hourly dynamic inventory. Science of The Total Environment, 931, 172764.

9.Guo, Y., Gong, D., Wang, H.*, Li, Q., Wu, G., Wang, Y., Cai, H., Yuan, B.*, Wang, B., Liu, S. C.* (2024). Sources of elevated organic acids in the mountainous background atmosphere of southern China. Science of The Total Environment, 914, 169673.

10.Ding, X., Gong, D., Li, Q., Liu, S., Deng, S., Wang, H.*, Li, H., Wang, B.* (2024). Development of a Refrigerant-Free Cryotrap Unit for Pre-Concentration of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in Air. Atmosphere, 15(5), 587.


12.Wang, Y., Liu, T., Gong, D., Wang, H.*, Guo, H., Liao, M., Deng, S., Cai, H., Wang, B.*, 2023. Anthropogenic Pollutants Induce Changes in Peroxyacetyl Nitrate Formation Intensity and Pathways in a Mountainous Background Atmosphere in Southern China. Environmental Science Technology 57, 6253-6262.

13.Li, J., Zhang, C., Zhao, W., Han, S., Wang, Y., Wang, H. *, Wang, B. *, 2023. Rapid adaptive Optimization Model for Atmospheric Chemistry (ROMAC) v1. 0. Geoscientific Model Development 2023, 16, 6049–6066.

14.Wu, G., Wang, H.*, Zhang, C., Gong, D., Liu, X., Ristovski, Z., Wang, B.*, 2023. Anthropogenic pollutants induce enhancement of aerosol acidity at a mountainous background atmosphere in southern ChinaScience of The Total Environment 903, 166192.

15.Li, Q., Gong, D., Wang, H.*, Deng, S., Zhang, C., Mo, X., Chen, J., Wang, B.*, 2023. Tibetan Plateau is vulnerable to aromatic-related photochemical pollution and health threats: A case study in Lhasa. Science of The Total Environment 904, 166494.

16.Wu, C., H. Trounce, E. Dunne, D. W. T. Griffith, S. D. Chambers, A. G. Williams, R. S. Humphries, L. T. Cravigan, B. Miljevic, C. Zhang, H. Wang, B. Wang and Z. Ristovski (2023). Atmospheric concentrations and sources of black carbon over tropical Australian watersScience of The Total Environment 856(Pt 2): 159143.

17.Chen, J., Liu, T., Gong, D., Li, J., Chen, X., Li, Q., Liao, T., Zhou, Y., Zhang, T., Wang, Y., Wang, H., Wang, B. *, 2023. Insight into decreased ozone formation across the Chinese National Day Holidays at a regional background site in the Pearl River DeltaAtmospheric Environment, 120142.

18.Mo, X., Gong, D., Liu, Y., Li, J., Zhao, Y., Zhao, W., Shen, J., Liao, T., Wang, H.*,   Wang, B.*, 2023. Ground-based formaldehyde across the Pearl River Delta: A snapshot and meta-analysis studyAtmospheric Environment 309, 119935.

19.Wu, C., Brown, R.A., Brown, Z.E., Trounce, H., Horchler, E.J., Wang, L., Miljevic, B., Zhang, C., Wang, H.*, Wang, B., Ristovski, Z.*, 2023. A new oxidation flow reactor for the measurements of secondary aerosol formation: Characterisation and a case studyAtmospheric Environment, 119886.

20.Wu, C., He, C., Brown, Z.E., Miljevic, B., Zhang, C., Wang, H.*, Wang, B., Morawska, L., Ristovski, Z.*, 2023. Light absorption properties of black and brown carbon during the prescribed burning season at an urban background site in Brisbane, Australia. Atmospheric Environment 313, 120072.

21.Zhao, Y., Mo, X., Wang, H., Li, J., Gong, D., Wang, D., Li, Q., Liu, Y., Liu, X., Wang, J., 2023. A Comparative Study of Ground-Gridded and Satellite-Derived Formaldehyde during Ozone Episodes in the Chinese Greater Bay Area. Remote Sensing 15, 3998.

22.Wang, W., Y. Xiao, S. Han, Y. Zhang, D. Gong, H. Wang* and B. Wang* (2023). A vehicle-mounted dual-smog chamber: Characterization and its preliminary application to evolutionary simulation of photochemical processes in a quasi-realistic atmosphere.Journal of Environmental Sciences 132: 98-108.

23.陈珺龚道程廖彤周炎张涛王瑞文王好陈多宏*, 王伯光* (2023) 珠三角大气挥发性有机物的国庆效应及其源解析中国环境科学 43(7): 3265-3280.

24.He, C., H. Wang*#, D. Gong, S. Lv, G. Wu, R. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. Ding, Y. Li and B. Wang* (2022). Insights into high concentrations of particle-bound imidazoles in the background atmosphere of southern China: Potential sources and influencing factors.Sci Total Environ 806(Pt 4): 150804.

25.Li, Q., D. Gong, H. Wang*, Y. Wang, S. Han, G. Wu, S. Deng, P. Yu, W. Wang and B. Wang* (2022). Rapid increase in atmospheric glyoxal and methylglyoxal concentrations in Lhasa, Tibetan Plateau: Potential sources and implicationsSci Total Environ 824: 153782.

26.Li, Q., D. Gong, Y. Wang, H. Wang*, W. Wang, G. Wu, H. Guo and B. Wang* (2022). Accelerated toluene degradation over forests around megacities in southern ChinaEcotoxicol Environ Saf 230: 113126.

27.Zhang, C., J. Li, W. Zhao, Q. Yao, H. Wang* and B. Wang(2022). Open biomass burning emissions and their contribution to ambient formaldehyde in Guangdong province, China. Sci Total Environ 838(Pt 1): 155904.

28.Zhang, C., T. Xu, G. Wu, F. Gao, Y. Liu, D. Gong, H. Wang*, C. Zhang and B. Wang* (2022). Reduction of fugitive VOC emissions using leak detection and repair (LDAR) in a petroleum refinery of Pearl River Delta, ChinaApplied Energy 324.

29.Wang, W., S. Kimoto, R. Huang, Y. Matsui, M. Yoneda, H. Wang and B. Wang (2022). Identifying the contribution of charge effects to airborne transmission of aerosols in confined spaces. Sci Total Environ 816: 151527.

30.Cheung, H. C., C. Nie, M. Huang, T. Yang, H. Wang, C. S. L. Lee, C. Pei, J. Zhao and B. Liang (2022). Influence of Regional Pollution Outflow on Particle Number Concentration and Particle Size in Airshed of Guangzhou, South China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 22(9).

31.Zhang, C., G. Wu, H. Wang*, Y. Wang, D. Gong and B. Wang* (2022). Regional effect as a probe of atmospheric carbon dioxide reduction in southern ChinaJournal of Cleaner Production 340.

32.Zhang, C., L. Bai, Q. Yao, J. Li, H. Wang*, L. Shen, O. Sippula, J. Yang, J. Zhao, J. Liu and B. Wang* (2022). Emission characteristics of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans from industrial combustion of biomass fuels.Environ Pollut 292(Pt A): 118265.

33.张扬韩士杰李勤勤王文路肖扬郭严王好*,  王伯光* (2022). NOx环境异戊二烯促进生成甲基丁烯二醛的模拟实验中国环境科学 42(9): 4001-4008.

34.刘云凤龚道程林尤静王好*王玉瑾李勤勤邓硕徐巧刘世伟周志平曾庆团,  王伯光* (2022). 南岭箭竹生物源挥发性有机物排放特征中国环境科学 42(2): 568-674.

35.Zhang, C. L., Y. G. Gu, H. Wang*, D. Gong, X. Li, L. Zhou and B. Wang* (2021). Emission of volatile organic compounds during aerobic decomposition of banana peelWaste Management 130: 74-81. 

36.Wang, Y., J. Shen, H. Wang*, G. C. Wu, Y. Q. Chen, T. Liu, D. C. Gong, J. Ou, Y. K. Shi, T. Zhang, C. Q. He, D. H. Chen and B. G. Wang (2021). Unexpected seasonal variations and high levels of ozone observed at the summit of Nanling Mountains: Impact of Asian monsoon on southern ChinaAtmospheric Environment 253:118378. 

37.Gong, D., M. Liao, G. Wu, H. Wang*, Q. Li, Y. Chen, S. Deng, Y. Zheng, J. Ou and B. Wang* (2021). Characteristics of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in the high-elevation background atmosphere of South-Central China: Implications for regional photochemical pollutionAtmospheric Environment 254: 118424. 

38.Wang, H.*, C. He, R. L. Modini, W. Wang, X. Lu, L. Morawska (2021) Mixing State of Printer Generated Ultrafine Particles: Implications for the Complexity of Indoor AerosolsAtmospheric Environment 259: 118550.

39.Jun Yang, Maigeng Zhou, Zhoupeng Ren, Mengmeng Li, Boguang Wang, De Li Liu, Chun-Quan Ou, Peng Yin, Jimin Sun, Shilu Tong, Hao Wang, Chunlin Zhang, Jinfeng Wang, Yuming Guo, and Qiyong Liu (2021) Projecting heat-related excess mortality under climate change scenarios in ChinaNature Communication 12, 1039.

40.Morawska, L., T. Zhu, N. Liu, M. Amouei Torkmahalleh, M. de Fatima Andrade, B. Barratt, P. Broomandi, G. Buonanno, L. Carlos Belalcazar Ceron, J. Chen, Y. Cheng, G. Evans, M. Gavidia, H. Guo, I. Hanigan, M. Hu, C. H. Jeong, F. Kelly, L. Gallardo, P. Kumar, X. Lyu, B. J. Mullins, C. Nordstrøm, G. Pereira, X. Querol, N. Yezid Rojas Roa, A. Russell, H. Thompson, H. Wang, L. Wang, T. Wang, A. Wierzbicka, T. Xue and C. Ye (2021). The state of science on severe air pollution episodes: Quantitative and qualitative analysisEnvironment International 156: 106732.

41.Li, B., H. Dong, J. Yang, M. Li, D. Cai, Z. Yang, C. Zhang, H. Wang, S. Bergmann, G. Lin, B. Wang (2021). “PM2.5 constituents and mortality from a spectrum of causes in Guangzhou, China.” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 222: 112498.

42.Chen, R., J. Yang, D. Chen, W.-J. Liu, C. Zhang, H. Wang, B. Li, P. Xiong, B. Wang, Y. Wang, S. Li and Y. Guo (2021). Air pollution and hospital outpatient visits for conjunctivitis: a time-series analysis in Tai'an, ChinaEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 15453-15461.

43.廖敏萍龚道程王少霞刘涛王好*邓硕欧劼郑昱王伯光 (2021). 国庆期间南岭背景大气中过氧乙酰硝酸酯的浓度特征与来源中国环境科学41(6): 2493-2503.

44.Guo, L., G. R. Johnson, W. Hofmann, H. Wang and L. Morawska (2020). Deposition of ambient ultrafine particles in the respiratory tract of children: A novel experimental method and its applicationJournal of Aerosol Science 139: 105465.

45.Guo, L., F. Salimi, H. Wang, W. Hofmann, G. R. Johnson, B. G. Toelle, G. B. Marks and L. Morawska (2020). Experimentally determined deposition of ambient urban ultrafine particles in the respiratory tract of children. Environment International 145: 106094.

46.Jun Yang*, Maigeng Zhou, Mengmeng Li, Peng Yin, Jianlin Hu, Chunlin Zhang, Hao Wang, Qiyong Liu*, Boguang Wang*. (2020) Fine particulate matter constituents and cause-specific mortality in China: A nationwide modelling studyEnvironment International 143:105927.

47.Brown, R. A., S. Stevanovic, S. Bottle, H. Wang, Z. Hu, C. Wu, B. Wang and Z. Ristovski (2020). Relationship between Atmospheric PM-Bound Reactive Oxygen Species, Their Half-Lives, and Regulated Pollutants: Investigation and Preliminary ModelEnvironmental Science & Technology 54(8): 4995-5002.

48.Junliang Wu, Xu Wang, Hao Wang*, Daocheng Gong, Jun Yang, Bin Jiang, Chunlin Zhang, Xuejiao Deng, Lei Zhou, Boguang Wang* (2020) Rapidly alleviating particulate matter pollution while maintaining high-speed ec onomic development in the “world’s factory”, Journal of Cleaner Production 266: 121844.

49.Chunlin Zhang, Hao Wang*, Li Bai, Changda Wu, Liran Shen, Olli Sippula, Jun Yang, Lei Zhou, Congrong He, Jun Liu, Zoran Ristovski, Lidia Morawska, Boguang Wang* (2020) Should industrial bagasse-fired boiler be phased out in China?  Journal of Cleaner Production 265:121716

50.姚倩沈丽冉张春林白莉黄江荣刘军杨军王好,王伯光 (2020). 不同燃料类型锅炉羰基化合物的排放特征中国环境科学40 (2): 111-119.

51.Shaojun Lv, Daocheng Gong, Yaozhou Ding, Youjing Lin, Hao Wang*, Hang Ding, Gengchen Wu, Chunqian He, Lei Zhou, Shawchen Liu, Zoran Ristovski, Duohong Chen, Min Shao, Yuanhang Zhang, Boguang Wang* (2019). Elevated levels of glyoxal and methylglyoxal at a remote mountain site in southern China: Prompt in-situ formation combined with strong regional transportScience of The Total Environment 672: 869-882.

52.Youjing Lin, Daocheng Gong, Shaojun Lv, Yaozhou Ding, Gengchen Wu, Hao Wang*, Yanlei Li, Yujin Wang, Lei Zhou, and Boguang Wang* (2019) Observations of High Levels of Ozone-Depleting CFC-11 at a Remote Mountain-Top Site in Southern ChinaEnvironmental Science & Technology Letters 6(3): 114-118. 

53.王瑞文张春林丁航吕少君丁耀洲王好王伯光 (2019). 电子制造业塑料件生产过程的挥发性有机物排放特征分析环境科学学报39 (1): 6-14.

54.Wang H.#, Lv X.P.#, Guo, H., Wang, Y., Zou, S., Ling, Z., Wang, X., Jiang, F., Zeren, Y., Pan, W., Huang, X., Shen, J. (2018) Ozone pollution around a coastal region of South China Sea: Interaction between marine and continental airAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(6): 4277-4295.

55.Gong, D. #Wang, H.#; Zhang, S.; Wang, Y.; Liu, S. C.; Guo, H.; Shao, M.; He, C.; Chen, D.; He, L.; Zhou, L.; Morawska, L.; Zhang,Y.; Wang, B. (2018) Low-level summertime isoprene observed at a forested mountaintop site in southern China: implications for strong regional atmospheric oxidative capacity. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18 (19), 1441714432.

56.Zhang, Z., X. Yan, F. Gao, P. Thai, H. Wang*, D. Chen, L. Zhou, D. Gong, Q. Li, L. Morawska and Boguang Wang* (2018). Emission and health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds in various processes of a petroleum refinery in the Pearl River Delta, ChinaEnvironmental Pollution 238: 452-461.

57.Tikkanen O.P., Vasisanen O., Hao L.Q., Wang H., Virtanen A. et al. (2018) Hygroscopicity of dimethylaminium-, sulfate- and ammonium-containing nanoparticlesAerosol Science and Technology, 52(9): 971-983.

58.Chen, G., L. Morawska, W. Zhang, S. Li, W. Cao, H. Ren, B. Wang, H. Wang, L. D. Knibbs and G. Williams (2018). Spatiotemporal variation of PM1 pollution in China.Atmospheric Environment 178: 198-205.

59.Chen, G., L. D. Knibbs, W. Zhang, S. Li, W. Cao, J. Guo, H. Ren, B. Wang, H. Wang and G. Williams (2018). Estimating spatiotemporal distribution of PM1 concentrations in China with satellite remote sensing, meteorology, and land use information.Environmental Pollution 233: 1086-1094.

60.Zhang Z., Wang H.Chen D., Li Q., Thai P., Gong D., Li Y., Zhang C., Gu Y., Zhou L., Morawska, L., Wang B. (2017) Emission characteristics of volatile organic compounds and their secondary organic aerosol formation potentials from a petroleum refinery in Pearl River Delta, ChinaScience of the Total Environment. 584: 1162-1174.

61.Stevanovic S., Hedayat F., Vaughan A., Salimi F., Rahman M. M., Zare A., Brown R., Wang H., Zhang Z., Wang X., Bottle S., Yang I., and Ristovski Z. (2017) The Oxidative potential of gas phase combustion emissions – an underestimated and potentially harmful component of combustion pollutionAtmospheric Environment, 158: 227-235.

62.Zhang C., Geng X., Wang H.*, Zhou L., and Wang B.* (2017) Emission factor for atmospheric ammonia from a typical municipal wastewater treatment plant in South ChinaEnvironmental Pollution, 220, Part B:963-970.

Wang Y.#Wang H.#, Guo H.*, Lyu X., Cheng H., Ling Z., Louie P. Isobel J.S., Meinardi S., Blake D. (2017) Long term O3-precursor relationships in Hong Kong: Field observation and model simulation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(18): 10919-10935.

63.王安侯张沈阳王好龚道程张诗炀宋伟陈多宏周磊王伯光 (2017). 天井山空气背景站单颗粒气溶胶有机硫酸酯初步研究,中国环境科学,  37(5): 1663-1669

64.张诗炀龚道程王好宋伟张沈阳王安侯陈多宏周磊王伯光 (2017). 南岭国家大气背景站异戊二烯的在线观测研究,《中国环境科学, 37(7): 2504-2512.


1. Godwin A. and Wang H. (2014) Volatile organic compounds in indoor environments. Indoor Air Pollution, 2nd edition. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-39. DOI: 10.1007/698_2014_259.


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