


1Ye Liang, Taibao Yang, Lindong Wang, Peihong Shi, G.G. Matishovc, A.A. Velichko, Biao Zeng,The indicative significance of grain size end-members and quartz surface microtextural features in Beglitsa loess sections at the Sea of Azov,Aeolian Research, 2024, 67-69:100921

2. Liang Ye; YANG Tai-bao; Andrey Aleksevitch VELICHKO; ZENG Biao ; Paleoclimatic record from Chumbur-Kosa section in Sea of Azov region since MIS 11, Journal of Mountain Science, 2016, 13(6): 985-999

3. Liang Ye; Wang, Lindong; Applying genetic algorithm and ant colony optimization algorithm into marine investigation path planning model, Soft Computing, 2019, 24(11): 8199- 8210

4. Liang Ye; Wang, Lindong; Time Series Prediction of Environmental Pollution under Deep Learning and ArtifcialIntelligencel, 2023, 23(6): 332-337

5.Liang Ye, Wang lindong, Using Environmental Sensitivity for Discussing the Correlation between Ecotourism Cognition and Environmental Attitude[J] EKOLOJI201827(106):1653-1659

6. Liang Ye, Jiangli Pang, Study on the Correlation between Knowledge Sharing and Creativity in Ecological Industry based on Organizational Climate [J] Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology201920: S267-S274.





1. 古气候学

2. 风沙地貌与环境变化


1.广东省基础与应用基础研究基金委员会区域联合基金-青年基金项目, 2023A1515110404, 气候变化 对广佛手药材道地性的影响研究, 2024-01 至 2025-12, 10万元在研主持

2.广州市科学技术局广州市科技计划项目, 2023A04J0939, 基于DMSP/OLS的广东省珠三角地区碳排放 空间分布模拟, 2023-04 至 2025-03, 5万元在研主持

3.暨南大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目-青年基金项目, 21621049, 亚速海黄土记录的倒数第二次间 冰期以来气候不稳定性研究, 2021-01 至 2023-12, 9万元结题主持

4.中国博士后科学基金会博士后科学基金-面上项目, 2018M643570, 亚速海黄土记录的MIS-7段以来气候变化研究, 2018-11 至 2020-11, 5万元结题主持

5. 横向项目,成年人血肌酐参考值与地理因素的关系研究结题2017-9至 2018-9,10万元结题主持



1Ye Liang, Taibao Yang, Lindong Wang, Peihong Shi, G.G. Matishovc, A.A. Velichko, Biao Zeng,The indicative significance of grain size end-members and quartz surface microtextural features in Beglitsa loess sections at the Sea of Azov,Aeolian Research, 2024, 67-69:100921

2. Liang Ye; YANG Tai-bao; Andrey Aleksevitch VELICHKO; ZENG Biao ; Paleoclimatic record from Chumbur-Kosa section in Sea of Azov region since MIS 11, Journal of Mountain Science, 2016, 13(6): 985-999

3. Liang Ye; Wang, Lindong; Applying genetic algorithm and ant colony optimization algorithm into marine investigation path planning model, Soft Computing, 2019, 24(11): 8199- 8210

4. Liang Ye; Wang, Lindong; Time Series Prediction of Environmental Pollution under Deep Learning and ArtifcialIntelligencel, 2023, 23(6): 332-337

5.Liang Ye, Wang lindong, Using Environmental Sensitivity for Discussing the Correlation between Ecotourism Cognition and Environmental Attitude[J] EKOLOJI201827(106):1653-1659

6. Liang Ye, Jiangli Pang, Study on the Correlation between Knowledge Sharing and Creativity in Ecological Industry based on Organizational Climate [J] Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology201920: S267-S274.






