



1. 2015-092019-06中国科学院地球环境研究所,环境科学,博士

2. 2012-092015-06,中国科学院地球环境研究所,环境工程,硕士

3. 2008-092012-06,华中农业大学,地理信息系统,学士


1. 2023-09至今暨南大学,环境与气候学院,讲师

2. 2023-072023-08暨南大学环境与气候研究院,讲师

3. 2021-122023-06暨南大学环境与气候研究院,特聘副研究员

4. 2019-092021-12暨南大学,环境与气候研究院,博士后




1.典型有机-无机耦合体系中液液相分离对颗粒物吸湿特性的影响,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(4210050275),主持,2022.01 - 2024.12

2.华南地区云雾过程中黑碳混合状态及其湿清除的影响研究,广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究专题项目(2024A04J3959),主持,2024.01 - 2025.12

3. 大气气溶胶中无机-有机耦合体系液液相分离对其吸湿特性的影响,黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLLQG2029),主持,2020.12-2022.12

4.西安大气细颗粒物中活性氧(Reactive oxygen Species)的特征、来源及影响因素,黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室开放基金(SKLLQG1727),主持,2017.10-2018.10




1. Zhou, Y.Q., Ma, N., Wang, Q.Q., Wang, Z.B., Chen, C.R., Tao, J.C., Hong, J., Peng, L., He, Y., Xie, L.H., Zhu, S.W., Zhang, Y.X., Li, G., Xu, W.Y., Cheng, P., Kuhn, U., Zhou, G.S., Fu, P.Q., Zhang, Q., Su, H., Cheng, Y.F.: Bimodal distribution of size-resolved particle effective density: results from a short campaign in a rural environment over the North China PlainAtmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 2029-2047, 2022.

2. Zhou, Y.Q.Wang, Q. Y., Zhang, X., Liu, S.X., Wang, Y.C., Wang, M., Tian, J., Zhu, C.S., Huang, R.J., Zhang, Q., Zhang, T., Zhou, J.M., Dai, W.T., Cao, J.J.: Exploring the impact of chemical composition on aerosol optical properties in a heavily polluted urban area of China, J. Environ. Manage., 247, 766-775, 2019.

3. Zhou, Y.Q., Wang, Q.Y., Huang, R.J., Liu, S.X., Tie, X.X., Su, X.L., Niu, X.Y., Zhao, Z.Z., Ni, H.Y., Wang, M., Zhang, Y.G., Cao, J.J.: Optical properties of aerosols and implications for radiative effects in Beijing during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit 2014, J. Geophys. Res., 122(18), 10119-10132, 2017.

4. Liu, H.K., Wang, Q.Y., Qu, Y., Tian, J., Li, L., Ma, N., Zhou, Y.Q., Ran, W.K., Su, H. Han, Y.M., Pavese, G., Cao, J.J.: High contributions of fossil fuel sources to char-EC/soot-EC at a high-altitude site: Direct radiative effects and transport pathwayFuel, 361130632, 2024.

5. Hong, J., Tang M., Wang, Q.Q., Ma, N., Zhu, S.W., Zhang, S.B., Pan, X.H., Xie L.H., Li, G., Kuhn, U., Yan, C., Tao, J.C., Kuang, Y., He, Y., Xu, W.Y., Cai, R.L., Zhou, Y.Q., Wang, Z.B., Zhou, G.S., Yuan, B., Cheng, Y.F.Su, H.Measurement Report: Wintertime new particle formation in the rural area of the North China Plain - influencing factors and possible formation mechanismAtmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 5699-5713,2023.

6. Tian, J., Wang, Q.Y., Ni, H.Y., Wang, M., Zhou, Y.Q., Han, Y.M., Shen, Z.X., Pongpiachan, S., Zhang, N.N., Zhao, Z.Z., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Y., Long, X., Cao, J.J.: Emission Characteristics of Primary Brown Carbon Absorption From Biomass and Coal Burning: Development of an Optical Emission Inventory for China, J. Geophys. Res., 124(3): 1879-1893, 2019.

7. Shi, J.N., Hong, J., Ma, N., Luo, Q.W., He, Y., Xu, H.B., Tan, H.B., Wang, Q.Q., Tao, J.C., Zhou, Y.Q., Han, S., Peng, L., Xie, L.H., Zhou, G.S., Xu, W.Y., Sun, Y.L., Cheng, Y.F., and Su, H.: Measurement report: On the difference in aerosol hygroscopicity between high and low relative humidity conditions in the North China Plain, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 4599-4613, 2022.

8. Han, S., Hong, J., Luo, Q.W., Xu, H.B., Tan, H.B., Wang, Q.Q., Tao, J.C., Zhou, Y.Q., Peng, L., He, Y., Shi, J.N., Ma, N., Cheng, Y.F., and Su, H.: Hygroscopicity of organic compounds as a function of organic functionality, water solubility, molecular weight, and oxidation level, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22, 3985-4004, 2022.

9. Liang, M.H., Tao, J.C., Ma, N., Kuang, Y., Zhang, Y.Y., Wu, S., Jiang, X.J., He, Y., Chen, C.R., Yang, W.D., Zhou, Y.Q., Cheng, P., Xu, W.Y., Hong, J., Wang, Q.Q., Zhao, C.S., Zhou, G.S., Sun, Y.L., Zhang, Q., Su, H., and Cheng, Y.F.: Prediction of CCN spectra parameters in the North China Plain using a random forest model, Atmos. Environ., 289(15), 119323, 2022.

10. Zhou, J.; Elser, M.; Huang, R.J.; Krapf, M.; Frohlich, R.; Bhattu, D.; Stefenelli, G.; Zotter, P.; Bruns, E.A.; Pieber, S.M.; Ni, H.Y.; Wang, Q.Y.; Wang, Y.C.; Zhou, Y.Q.; Chen, C.Y.; Xiao, M.; Slowik, J.G.; Brown, S.; Cassagnes, L.E.; Daellenbach, K.R.; Nussbaumer, T.; Geiser, M.; Prevot, A.S.H.; El-Haddad, I.; Cao, J.J.; Baltensperger, U.; Dommen, J.: Predominance of secondary organic aerosol to particle-bound reactive oxygen species activity in fine ambient aerosol, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 14703-14720, 2019.

11. Wang, Q.Y., Liu, S.X., Li, N., Dai, W.T., Wu, Y.F., Tian, J., Zhou, Y.Q., Wang, M., Sai, S., Ho, H., Chen, Y., Zhang, R.J., Zhao, S.Y., Zhu, C.S., Han, Y.M., Tie, X.X., Cao, J.J.: Impacts of short-term mitigation measures on PM2.5 and radiative effects: a case study at a regional background site near Beijing, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 1881-1899, 2019.

12. Niu, X.Y., Ho, S.S.H., Ho, K.F., Huang, Y., Sun, J., Wang, Q.Y., Zhou, Y.Q., Zhao, Z.Z., Cao, J.J.: Atmospheric levels and cytotoxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygenated-PAHs in PM2.5 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Environ. Pollut., 231, 1075-1084, 2017.

13. Wang, Q. Y., Huang, R. J., Zhao, Z. Z., Cao, J. J., Ni, H. Y., Tie, X. X., Zhao, S. Y., Su, X. L., Han, Y. M., Shen, Z. X., Wang, Y. C., Zhang, N. N., Zhou, Y. Q., Corbin. J. C.: Physicochemical characteristics of the black carbon aerosol and its radiative impact in a polluted urban area of China. J. Geophys. Res., 121(20), 2016.

14. Zhang, N. N., Zhuang, M. Z., Tian, J., Tian, P. S., Zhang, J. R., Wang, Q. Y., Zhou, Y. Q., Huang, R. J., Zhu, C. S., Zhang, X. M., Cao, J.J.: Development of source profiles and their application in source apportionment of PM2.5 in Xiamen, China. Front. Env. Sci. Eng., 10(5), 2016.

15. Wang, Q. Y., Huang, R. J., Cao, J. J., Tie, X. X., Shen, Z. X., Zhao, S. Y., Han, Y. M., Li, G. H., Li, Z. Q., Ni, H. Y., Zhou, Y. Q., Wang, M., Chen, Y., Su, X. L.: Contribution of regional transport to the black carbon aerosol during winter haze period in Beijing. Atmos. Environ.,132, 11-18, 2016.

16. Wang, Q. Y., Huang, R. J., Cao, J. J., Tie, X. X., Ni, H. Y., Zhou, Y. Q., Han, Y. M., Hu, T. F., Zhu, C. S., Feng, T., Li, N., Li, J. D.: Black carbon aerosol in winter northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China: The source, mixing state and optical property. Atmos. Chem. Phys.,15(22), 13059-13069, 2015.

17. Wang, Q. Y., Liu, S. X., Zhou, Y. Q., Cao, J. J., Han, Y. M., Ni, H. Y., Zhang, N. N., Huang, R. J.: Characteristics of Black Carbon Aerosol during the Chinese Lunar Year and Weekdays in Xi’an, China. Atmosphere, 6(2), 195-208, 2015.

18. Xiao, S., Wang, Q. Y., Cao, J. J., Huang, R. J., Chen, W. D., Han, Y. M., Xu, H. M., Liu, S. X., Zhou, Y. Q., Wang, P., Zhang, J. Q., Zhan, C. L.: Long-term trends in visibility and impacts of aerosol composition on visibility impairment in Baoji, China. Atmos. Res.,149, 88-95, 2014.

19. Wang, Q. Y., Huang, R. J., Cao, J. J., Han, Y. M., Wang, G. H., Li, G. H., Wang, Y. C., Dai, W. T., Zhang, R. J., Zhou, Y. Q.: Mixing State of Black Carbon Aerosol in a Heavily Polluted Urban Area of China: Implications for Light Absorption Enhancement. Aerosol. Sci. Tech., 48(7), 689-697, 2014.




气溶胶物理化学研究团队,主要负责/熟悉仪器包括气溶胶光镊(Aerosol optical tweezerAOT)、可调谐红外双激光直接吸收光谱仪(Tunable Infrared Laser Differential Absorption SpectrometerTILDAS、单颗粒黑碳光度计(Single Particle Soot PhotometerSP2)、离心式颗粒物质量筛分仪(Centrifugal Particle Mass AnalyzerCPMA)等。