

  暨南大学双百英才计划杰出青年学者,广东省企业科技特派员,广东省环境科学学会生态环境青年科技工作者委员会委员。申请人一直从事环境污染物的迁移转化和控制技术研发相关的科研工作,先后主持了多项国家级和省级科研课题。主要研究方向为:(1)环境新污染物的迁移转化;(2)新污染物控制技术研发;(3)工业废水处理技术。近年来承担多项科研项目,包括3项国家自然科学基金。累计以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文40余篇,多篇代表性成果发表在Water Research等杂志;发表专著1部,获发明专利5项。获得2023年广东省环境科学学会生态环境青年科技奖优秀奖。具有工业废水处理项目的设计与施工监理经验。





12024—2027  《陆基水产养殖微塑料及添加剂的转化机制与释放动力学》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(42377373),项目负责人。

22018-2021  《紫外高级氧化对微塑料-难降解有机物复合污染的控制机制与效能评估》,国家自然科学基金面上项目(51778270),项目负责人;

32017-2019  《光催化降解水中微塑料-有机磷阻燃剂复合污染的动力学和原理》,暨南大学科研培育与创新基金研究项目(21617448),项目负责人;

42015-2017  《多波段紫外光催化降解喹诺酮抗生素废水的初步研究》,工业聚集区污染控制与生态修复教育部重点实验室开放基金,项目负责人;

52015-2016  《紫外发光二极管辐照对产毒藻细胞/藻毒素的靶向光降解控制技术研究》,广东省科技计划(2014A020216014),项目负责人;

62014-2016  《紫外发光二极管与脉冲紫外对藻类及其衍生有机物的控制机制研究》,国家自然科学基金青年项目(51308224),项目负责人;

72013-2015  《紫外发光二极管除藻及其代谢物的机理与应用基础研究》,中国博士后科学基金(2012M521603),项目负责人;

82008-2012  《高藻、高有机物湖泊型原水处理技术集成与示范》,国家水专项,参与;

92006-2010  《东部小城镇饮用水安全保障技术集成与示范》,国家科技支撑计划,参与。



1. Ruijuan Liu, Zhianqi Liao, Jing Zheng, Xinni Wu, Zongyi Tan, Huase Ou*. Characterizing the Photodegradation-Induced Release of Volatile Organic Compounds from Bottled Water Containers. Eco-Environment & Health, 2024, In Press.

2. Zhiyan Liang, Qingyun Yan, Huase Ou, Dawei Li, Yayun Zhang, Jinlong Zhang, Lixi Zeng, Mingyang Xing. Effective Green Treatment of Sewage Sludge from Fenton Reactions: Utilizing MoS2 for Sustainable Resource Recovery, PANS, 2024, 121 (9), e2317394121.

3. Zongyi Tan, Haiyang Deng, Huali Ou, Zhianqi Liao, Xinni Wu, Ruijuan Liu, Huase Ou*. Microplastics and volatile organic compounds released from face masks after disinfection: layers and materials differences, Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 917, 170286.

4. Haixuan Zhang, Haiyang Deng, Huase Ou*, Ruijuan Liu, Yuheng Chen, Xinni Wu, Jianwei Fu, Optimizing Microplastic Removal Through Coagulation-Sedimentation with Permanganate Pre-oxidation and Pre-chlorination, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2024, 235: 86.

5. Zongyi Tan, Haiyang Deng, Huali Ou, Xinni Wu, Zhianqi Liao, Huase Ou*. Interfacial quantum chemical characterization of aromatic organic matter adsorption on oxidized microplastic surfaces, Chemosphere, 2024, 350: 141132.

6. Xinni Wu, Mingjun Fan, Zongyi Tan, Ruijuan Liu, Zhianqi Liao, Eddy Y. Zeng, Huase Ou*. Modifications to sorption and sinking capability of microplastics after chlorination, Water Supply, 2023, 23: 3046-3060.

7. Xinni Wu, Zongyi Tan, Ruijuan Liu, Zhianqi Liao, Huase Ou*. Gaseous products generated from polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate during ultraviolet irradiation: mechanism, pathway and toxicological analyses, Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 876: 162717.

8. Ruijuan Liu, Yuheng Chen, Xinni Wu, Jianwei Fu, Huase Ou*. Modifications to microplastics by potassium ferrate(VI): impacts on sorption and sinking capability in water treatment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30: 53807-53816.

9. Ruijuan Liu, Xinni Wu, Wanhui Zhang, Yuheng Chen, Jianwei Fu, Huase Ou*. Volatile organic compounds generation pathways and mechanisms from microplastics in water: Ultraviolet, chlorine and ultraviolet/chlorine disinfection. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 441, 129813.

10. Ruijuan Liu, Zongyi Tan, Xinni Wu, Yuan Liu, Yuheng Chen, Jianwei Fu, Huase Ou*. Modifications of microplastics in urban environmental management systems: A review. Water Research, 2022, 222: 118843.

11. Lin Wang, Jianwei Fu, Yuheng Chen, Huase Ou*. Persulfate-based visible photocatalysis with a novel stability enhanced Fe-based metal-organic framework. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2022, 313: 123297.

12. Yuan Liu, Xinni Wu, Ruijuan Liu, Yuheng Chen, Jianwei Fu, Huase Ou*. Modifications of ultraviolet irradiation and chlorination on microplastics: Effect of sterilization pattern. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 812: 152541.

13. Yuheng Chen, Ruijuan Liu, Xinni Wu, Yuan Liu, Jianwei Fu, Huase Ou*. Surface characteristic and sinking behavior modifications of microplastics during potassium permanganate pre-oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 422: 126855.

14. Jialing Lin, Xinni Wu, Yuan Liu, Jianwei Fu, Yuheng Chen, Huase Ou*. Sinking Behavior of Polystyrene Microplastics after Disinfection. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 427, 130908.

15. Jianwei Fu, Lin Wang, Yuheng Chen, Deyi Yan, Huase Ou*. Enhancement of aqueous stability of NH2-MIL-101(Fe) by hydrophobic grafting post-synthetic modification. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021, 28: 68560-68571.

16. Deyi Yan, Naiyun Gao, Xinni Wu, Haixuan Zhang, Huase Ou*. Fabrication of hydrophobic Fe-based metal-organic framework through post-synthetic modification: Improvement of aqueous stability. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, 40: 101979.

17. Jialing Lin, Deyi Yan, Jianwei Fu, Yuheng Chen, Huase Ou*. Ultraviolet-C and Vacuum Ultraviolet Inducing Surface Degradation of Microplastics. Water Research, 2020, 186: 116360.

18. Jialing Lin, Han Hu, Naiyun Gao, Jinshao Ye, Yujia Chen, Huase Ou*. Fabrication of GO@MIL-101(Fe) for enhanced visible-light photocatalysis degradation of organophosphorus contaminant. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020, 33:101010.

19. Jinshao Ye, Han Hu, Ya Chen, Yujia Chen, Huase Ou*. Degradation of 1H-benzotriazole using vacuum ultraviolet: a prospective treatment method for micro-pollutants. Water Science and Technology, 2019, 80 (4): 773-783.

20. Deyi Yan, Han Hu, Naiyun Gao, Jinshao Ye, Huase Ou*. Fabrication of carbon nanotube functionalized MIL-101(Fe) for enhanced visible-light photocatalysis of ciprofloxacin in aqueous solution. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 498, 143836.

21. Han Hu, Haixuan Zhang, Yujia Chen, Huase Ou*. Enhanced photocatalysis using metal-organic framework MIL-101(Fe) for organophosphate degradation in water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(24): 24720-24732.

22. Han Hu, Haixuan Zhang, Ya Chen, Yujia Chen, Li Zhuang, Huase Ou*. Enhanced photocatalysis degradation of organophosphorus flame retardant using MIL-101(Fe)/persulfate: Effect of irradiation wavelength and real water matrixes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 368, 273-284.

23. Han Hu, Ya Chen, Jinshao Ye, Li Zhuang, Hongling Zhang, Huase Ou*. Degradation of ciprofloxacin by 185/254 nm vacuum ultraviolet: kinetics, mechanism and toxicology. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2019, 5, 564 - 576.

24. Yujia Chen, Jinshao Ye, Ya Chen, Han Hu, Hongling Zhang, Huase Ou*. Degradation kinetics, mechanism and toxicology of tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate with 185 nm vacuum ultraviolet. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 356: 98-106.

25. Ya Chen, Jinshao Ye, Chongshu Li, Pulin Zhou, Juan Liu, Huase Ou*. Degradation of 1H-benzotriazole by UV/H2O2 and UV/TiO2: Kinetics, mechanisms, products and toxicology. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2018, 4: 1282-1294.

26. Jinshao Ye, Pulin Zhou, Ya Chen, Huase Ou*, Juan Liu, Chongshu Li, Qusheng Li. Degradation of 1H-benzotriazole using ultraviolet activating persulfate: Mechanisms, products and toxicological analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 334: 1493-1501.

27. Juan Liu, Jinshao Ye, Yifu Chen, Chongshu Li, Huase Ou*. UV-driven hydroxyl radical oxidation of tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate: Intermediate products and residual toxicity. Chemosphere, 2018, 190: 225-233.

28. Jinshao Ye, Juan Liu, Chongshu Li, Pulin Zhou, Shuang Wu, Hua-se Ou*. Heterogeneous photocatalysis of tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate by UV/TiO2: Degradation products and impacts on bacterial proteome. Water Research, 2017, 124: 29-38.

29. Wanbin Li*, Pengcheng Su, Zhanjun Li, Zehai Xu, Fei Wang, Huase Ou, Jiaheng Zhang, Guoliang Zhang & Eddy Zeng, Ultrathin metal–organic framework membrane production by gel–vapour deposition. Nature Communications, 2017, 8: 406.

30. Juan Liu, Jin-shao Ye, Hua-se Ou*, Jialing Lin. Effectiveness and intermediates of microcystin-LR degradation by UV/H2O2 via 265 nm ultraviolet light-emitting diodes. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 4676-4684.

31. Hua-se Ou, Juan Liu, Jin-shao Ye*, Lin-lin Wang. Degradation of tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate by ultraviolet-persulfate: Kinetics, pathway and intermediate impact on proteome of Escherichia coliChemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 308, 386-395.

32. Jin-shao Ye, Juan Liu, Hua-se Ou*, Lin-lin Wang. Degradation of ciprofloxacin by 280 nm ultraviolet-activated persulfate: Degradation pathway and intermediate impact on proteome of Escherichia coliChemosphere, 2016, 165, 311-319.

33. Juan Liu, Hua-Se Ou*, Chao-Hai Wei, Hai-Zhen Wu, Jia-Zhao He, De-Hua Lu. Novel multistep physical/chemical and biological integrated system for coking wastewater treatment: Technical and economic feasibility. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2016, 10, 98-103.

34. Jiazhao He, Huase Ou*, Jiaxiong Chen, Juan Liu, Dehua Lu. Intrinsic mechanism of UV-C-induced inactivation of Microcystis aeruginosa: Impairment on photosynthetic system. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2016, 227:82-95.

35. Hua-se Ou, Jin-shao Ye*, Sheng Ma, Chao-hai Wei, Nai-yun Gao, Jia-zhao He. Degradation of ciprofloxacin by UV and UV/H2O2 via multiple wavelengths ultraviolet light-emitting diodes: Effectiveness, intermediates and antibacterial activity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 289: 391-401.

36. Hua-Se Ou, Chao-Hai Wei*, Hai-Zhen Wu, Ce-Hui Mo, Bao-Yan He. Sequential dynamic artificial neural network modeling of a full-scale coking wastewater treatment plant with fluidized-bed reactors. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2015, 22(20): 15910-15919.

37. Hua-Se Ou, Chao-Hai Wei*, Yang Deng, Nai-Yun Gao, Principal component analysis to assess the efficiency and mechanism for ultraviolet-C/polyaluminum chloride enhanced coagulation of algae-laden water. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 2014, 14(3): 493-503.

38. Hua-Se Ou, Chao-Hai Wei*, Ce-Hui Mo, Hai-Zhen Wu, Yuan Ren, Chun-Hua Feng. Novel insights into anoxic/aerobic1/aerobicbiological fluidized-bed system for coke wastewater treatment by fluorescence excitation–emission matrix spectra coupled with parallel factor analysis. Chemosphere. 2014, 113: 158-164.

39. Hua-Se Ou, Chao-Hai Wei*, Yang Deng, Nai-Yun Gao. Integrated principal component analysis of Microcystis aeruginosa DOM and assessment of UV-C pre-treatment on cyanobacteria-containing water. CLEAN-Soil, Air, Water, 2014, 42(4): 442-448.

40. Hua-Se Ou, Chao-Hai WEI*, Yang DENG, Nai-Yun GAO. Principal component analysis to assess the efficiency and mechanism for enhanced coagulation of natural algae-laden water using a novel dual coagulant system. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2014, 21(3): 2122-2131.

41. Hua-Se Ou, Chao-Hai Wei*, Yang Deng, Nai-Yun Gao. Principal component analysis to assess the composition and fate of impurities in a large river-embedded reservoir: Qingcaosha Reservoir. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2013, 15(8): 1613-1621.

42. Huase Ou, Naiyun Gao*, Chaohai Wei, Yang Deng, Junlian Qiao. Immediate and long-term impacts of potassium permanganate on photosynthesis activity, survival and microcystin-LR release risk of Microcystis aeruginosaJournal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 219-220: 267-275.

43. Huase Ou, Naiyun Gao*, Yang Deng, Junlian Qiao, Hao Wang. Immediate and long-term impacts of UV-C irradiation on photosynthesis capacity, survival and microcystin-LR release risk of Microcystis aeruginosaWater Research, 2012, 46(4): 1241-1250.

44. Huase Ou, Naiyun Gao*, Yang Deng, Hao Wang, Haixuan Zhang. Inactivation and degradation of Microcystis aeruginosa by UV-C irradiation. Chemosphere, 2011, 85(7): 1192-1198.

45. Huase Ou, Naiyun Gao*, Yang Deng, Junlian Qiao, Kejia Zhang, Tian Li, Lei Dong. Mechanistic studies of Microcystic aeruginosa inactivation and degradation by UV-C irradiation and chlorination with poly-synchronous analyses. Desalination, 2011, 272(1-3): 107-119.


1. Occurrence and Fate of Microplastics in Wastewater Treatment Plants, Microplastic Contamination in Aquatic Environments: An Emerging Matter of Environmental Urgency, Elsevier, 2018.

2. Occurrence and fate of microplastics in urban water management systems, Microplastic Contamination in Aquatic Environments: An Emerging Matter of Environmental Urgency (Second Edition), Elsevier, 2024.


